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About 8,000 students receive medical education at YSMU.

About 2,000 clinical residents receive postgraduate education at the Medical University in more than 80 specialties.

More than 2,000 future foreign doctors from 33 countries of the world receive education at the YSMU.

About 9,000 foreign graduates of YSMU are engaged in successful professional activities in 40 countries of the world.

In the 100-year-old forge of medical personnel 1275 specialists provide education to the students, of which 1000 are lecturers, 221 are assistants, and 54 are invited specialists.

448 of them are candidates of sciences, 148 are doctors of sciences, 88 are professors, 164 are associate professors, and 3 are academicians. More than 70 Visiting Professors.

Year by year, the number of international students at YSMU is growing significantly. Moreover, 746 out of them are Armenians from Diaspora, and 1288 are foreigners. The main part of them – 1694 – study in 1-6 years, 192 – in clinical residency.

Foreigners are taught at YSMU in English, in some cases – in Russian and Armenian as well.

To date, about 45 000 alumni have graduated from the Medical University.