Welcome to YSMU Career Center…
Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University, a leader in the field of providing higher medical education in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, undertakes the mission of promoting the career of young professionals who are in the process of studying and are already engaged in practical medicine.
Career center. We lead the future…
The career center carries out educational and consulting activities to ensure constant and continuous communication with the home university, to promote the development of intellectual, social, professional and personal qualities of students and graduates.
The Career Center has many programs in its toolkit that will serve every student and graduate both in our country and abroad.
The career center’s activities are based on the ideas of internationalization, mutual assistance, friendship, discovery of common interests and interaction.
Relying on the potential of thousands of foreign graduates of YSSU and Armenian doctors and scientists, the career center provides students, clinical residents and young specialists with access to the best experience and innovations in medicine abroad.
The main function of the career center is the resourcing of the medical campus, the preparation of medical personnel for the demands of the labor market, the creation of the “good student” and “good doctor” brand, the organization of career development courses, and the selection of the best among the diversity of medical specialists.