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Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi (YSMU) carries out different projects within ERASMUS+ Programme funded by the European Commission.

The scholarships are provided on competitive basis to:

  • YSMU Undergraduate, Postgraduate and PhD students to undergo mobility with the duration of 3-5 months (depending on the project)
  • YSMU Academic faculty and Administrative staff to undergo teaching or training mobility with the duration of 5 days.

Once the call is open the relevant information is posted on YSMU official website:(link) as well as on Facebook page.

YSMU implements Erasmus+ KA1 International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects with the following universities:

The projects implemented by YSMU within Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) go as follows: