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Department of Histology

Contact information

(+37460) 62 13 48, (+37410) 56 11 96


The department was founded in 1922 and the first chairman was G.S. Hayrapetryan (1922-1924) who left for Leningrad. But we can consider that the real founder of the department was H.G. Chakhmakhchyan (1924-1952), who had been sent to Germany on business twice and equipped the department with necessary devices. After H.G. Yepremyan (1952-1970) and K.H. Karepetyan (1971-1976) for 32 years the department was headed by Ph.D. professor A.V. Aznauryan (1978-2008) who had a great contribution to the strengthening of the department. During this period of time the department grew effectively both in the   scientific and academic spheres. The department took up a new scientific direction devoted to the long-standing crush syndrome. Under prof. Aznauryan’s direct supervision 33 theses for Candidate’s Degree and 7 theses for Doctor’s Degree have been defended. From 2008-2011the department was united with the Departments of Normal Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy and was renamed as the department of Morphology which was headed by Ph.D prof. G.P.Kyalyan. In 2011 the department was separated and since 2012 it has been headed by prof. K.T. Sahakyan.


The subject “Histology” is taught to the first ear students of General Medicine, Military Medicine and Stomatology Faculties during the second term and to the second-year students during the first term. In order to provide the academic process there are 8 classrooms in the department which are equipped with up-to-date microscopes, histological preparations, posters. The department has a histological laboratory where are carried out scientific-research work and restoration of histological preparations.

The academic materials foreseen by the curriculum are delivered by lectures, practical lessons as well as by self-work. The department has created a video lecture in Armenian and now the staff are working on creating new lectures which will meet the current demands. In order to increase the interest towards the subject as well as for improving the effectiveness of the academic process the department organizes students’ conferences, where the members of the students’ scientific group have a great participation.

Scientific-research work in the department is carried out in two directions:

  1. Under long-term crush syndrome structural-functional changes in different organ-systems and their possible prevention;
  2. The influence of Timalin on the structural-functional state of the pancreatic exocrine and endocrine apparatus under conditions of experimentally induced “streptozotocine diabetes mellitus” and “arginine pancreatitis models.

Concerning the abovementioned topics 7 theses for Candidate’s Degree and 4 theses for Doctor’s Degree have been defended.

The Stuff

  Name Surname      
1 Sahakyan Karmen T. Head of the departement Ph.D of BS. Professor
2 Avagyan Tatevik G. Professor Ph.D of MS. Professor
3 Tatoyan Marina R. Professor Ph.D of BS. associate professor
4 Kasparova Irina S. associate professor PHDC of MS associate professor
5 Mkrtchyan Gayane L. associate professor PH.DC of BS associate professor
6 Hartenyan Nazik S. associate professor Ph.DC.of MC  
7 Meltonyan Goharik L. associate professor Ph.DC.of BS associate professor
8 Aznauryan Anahit Z. associate professor Ph.DC.of MC associate professor
9 Miqaelyan Mariam N. Lecturer    
10 Smbatyan Nella V. Assistant    
11 Hoveyan Elena S. Assistant    
12 Khachatryan Elia A. Assistant