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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No2

Contact information

(+37410) 34 18 83


Founded in 1990.

 The Chair was founded in 1990 as the Chair of obstetrics and gynecology, which in 1995 was renamed into the Chair of obstetrics and gynecology N2, in 2002 – into the Chair of obstetrics (perinatology), gynecology and reproductive health of women, and in 2011 – again into the Chair of obstetrics and gynecology N2.

Since its foundation  until 2018  the Chair has been led by R.A. Abrahamyan, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of RA, MD Ph.D, professor., who is also the director of the Institute of Reproductive Health, Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, the main clinical site of the Chair. From 2018 to the present head of the Chair of obstetrics and gynecology N 2 is  MD Ph.D, professor Lusine Abrahamyan, who is also the administrative director  of general medical, clinical and drug provision at the  Institute of Reproductive Health, Perinatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

The Institute is one of the largest sector-specific specialized 3-rd level centers of obstetrics and gynecology in the Republic, has 175 beds. It is a medical institution, which provides organizational and methodological, scientific and medical support to obstetric aid institutions of the Republic, as well as provides and coordinates emergency medical aid.


The Chair organizes pre-graduate and post-graduate education, as well as retraining of specialists.

Both, national and international students (Indians, Arabs, Iranians, Greeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians of the diaspora) of the Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, residents, interns, obstetricians and gynecologists of the Republic study in the Chair.

The main distinguishing feature of the Chair is the following: majority of tutors also work in the Institute, thus the educational and scientific work is organized in harmonic synergy with medical practice.

The Chair uses testing method for verification of knowledge level, in accordance with the procedure, approved by the Medical University. New educational programs were developed: in accordance with international standards, new technologies were integrated into the educational process, such as telecommunications, video and audio systems, and new information technologies. The Chair is furnished with equipment, images, didactical and clinical materials, necessary for organization of the learning process in accordance with cutting-edge requirements.

Course books on obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive health were published in Armenian language, manuals and methodical literature – in English language. From 2015 to the present  employees of the Chair wrote about 34 national guidelines. In 2022 new “Obstetrics” textbook was published in Armenian language.

The National strategy for improvement of reproductive health was developed along with measures, aimed at increasing the birth rate. Research is being carried out in the field of prevalence of causes of infertility and demand for assisted reproductive technologies, ways for reduction of perinatal losses, conditioned by healthcare factor.

Every year since 2018, the staff of the Chair together with the UNFPA organize trainings on the implementation of clinical guidelines  for clinical residents from all clinics.

Scientific research work

The main topic of scientific work undertaken in the recent years is  “Observation of the main problems of reproductive health, perinatal medical services and organization of measures”.  Main issued of ultrasound examination, Doppler Flowmetry, assisted reproductive technologies, artificial insemination, infertile marriages, levels of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.

In particular:

  1. Disorders of reproductive health and blood system, acquired and genetic forms of thrombophilia (A. Blbulyan, R. Abrahamyan, S. Abrahamyan).
  2. Prevalence of gene polymorphism-mediated thrombophilia in women with fetal loss syndrome and its influence over occurrence of obstetric complications (R. Abrahamyan, V. Grigoryan, A. Sharbatyan, G. Abrahamyan).
  3. Main principles for prophylaxis of pathogenesis in cases of successful and complicated IVF in women with acquired and genetic thrombophilia (G. Abrahamyan, V. Gyulkhasyan, L. Abrahamyan).
  4. Optimization of methods for treatment of intra-uterine pathologies (A. Khudaverdyan, N. Harutyunyan, T. Gorukhchyan).

There are one Academician of NAS RA,, 5 PHDs and 4 candidates of science in the Chair, where were published 2 course books, 3 manuals, over 25 guidelines, 100 scientific articles and theses on research and resolution of major problems of perinatology, obstetrics and gynecology.

From 2015 to the present  employees of the Chair wrote about 34 national guidelines. In 2022 new “Obstetrics” textbook was published in Armenian language.


The Center and the Chair cooperate with a range of international organizations, including World Health Organization, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other international and national organizations.

Employees of the Chair participated in development and implementation of national programs on reproductive health, research, namely:

  • Development of the National program and policy on reproductive health;
  • Research in the area of reproductive health;
  • Research in the area of sexual health and infertility of men and women;
  • Research of causes and prevalence of infertility and assessment of assisted reproductive technologies;
  • Development of perinatal medical aid improvement program;
  • Development of the program for early identification of development failures, intra-uterine diagnostics of fetus, improvement of pre-natal care;
  • Development of the Law of RA «On reproductive health and reproductive rights»;
  • Research on reproductive health of men and women in certain regions;
  • Development of normative acts on artificial termination of pregnancy, assisted reproductive technologies, prophylaxis of healthcare acquired infection;
  • Elaboration of normative acts, regulating activity of in-patient and out-patient medical institutions of obstetric aid;
  • Development of the procedure for provision of free obstetric and gynecological medical aid and services, guaranteed by the state;
  • Research of etiology of prevalence of perinatal loss and proposing ways for their prophylaxis and reduction.

International conferences

 Employees of the Chair has developed and develop their professional skills in high-class advanced scientific centers of the USA, France, Japan, Italy, Russian Federation and Ukraine.

Delivered reports at republican and international conferences, meetings and symposiums.

Employees of the Chair put significant effort for organization of international conferences on main issues of perinatal medicine in Armenia, the first conference was organized in 2014, the second – in 2016, the third – in 2017.