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Department of Pathology


The Department of Pathology was founded in 2020.

Since the day of its foundation, the Department was headed by pathologist Parandzem Khachatryan, MD, Ph.D. The Department has two bases, located at the “HISTOGEN” ARMENIAN-GERMAN SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CENTER OF PATHOLOGY, and “Mikaelyan Institute of Surgery”.


Pathology is taught to both Armenian and foreign clinical residents in 3 languages (Armenian, Russian and English). The clinical residency program covers all areas of pathology: anatomical pathology through autopsies, the legal basis for their conduction, the methods, the comprehensive analysis of the results through regularly organized clinical-pathological conferences. Surgical pathology is taught in the laboratories, by all the stages of morphological diagnostics: sampling and processing of postoperative and biopsy materials, evaluating histological slides, formulating conclusions and diagnoses. Future pathologists master the principles of not only histological, but also cytological, immunohistochemical, and molecular studies, as well as the basics of diagnostics. The Department is supplied with modern equipment and materials. Specialists undergo regular trainings; training materials are provided in accordance with modern recommendations.

The department also has a course in surgical pathology for residents of other specialties (general surgeons, gynecologists, urologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, etc.). The course teaches the basic principles of surgical pathology in a 1-week cycle, with highly specialized materials for each specialization. Daily lectures are organized with slides and reports created by stuff of the Department; residents participate in the stages of processing the taken sample, histological preparations and diagnoses are discussed.

As part of the Faculty of Professional and Continuing Education, the Department of Pathology organizes advanced training courses for practicing pathologists and cytologists.

Research work

During its relatively short existence, the Department began and continues to research the impact of SARS-COV-2 on the placenta, and hence on the viability of the fetus. The effect of viruses on the placenta of pregnant women with preeclampsia, and the main histological changes are studied as well. This study received an international grant from the ISGyP Educational Committee.


The stuff of the Department leads and keep membership of the “Armenian Association of Clinical Pathologists and Cytologists”. They are actively involved in the development of pathology in the country, the implementation of innovative methods and quality improvement. The specialists of the Department are practicing doctors, who are engaged in the diagnosis of diseases, training of new personnel. All of them are members of a number of international associations:

“European Society of Pathology (ESP)”

“United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP)”

“Genitourinary Pathology Society (GUPS)”

“European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)”

“Pediatric Oncology East and Mediterranean (POEM))”, etc.


Clinical activities of the Department

The teachers of the Department are doctors of the university hospitals – Mikayelyan institute of surgery, “Heratsi” Hospital Comple, as well as in “HISTOGEN” ARMENIAN-GERMAN SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL CENTER OF PATHOLOGY.

Teaching Staff    

Full Name Position in the Department Academic degree
Parandzem Slavik Khachatryan Head of the Department PhD
Armen Gevorg Mkhitaryan Senior lecturer PhD
Viktorya Gagik Sahakyan Lecturer PhD
Tamara Armen Harutyunyan Assistant