Found in 2006
The department of Pharmaceutical Technologies, Pharmaceutical Economics and Management was established in 1974 within the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, founded in 1972. The department offers the following courses: “Pharmaceutical Technologies”, “Medical Supplies” and “Pharmacy Organization and Economics”. In 2006 a new department of Pharmaceutical Management was formed to provide courses on Pharmaceutical Management and Business Administration, thus separating it from the “Pharmaceutical Technologies” course. The mission of the department is to give the student knowledge and skills necessary for successful organization, coordination and business administration of pharmaceutical enterprises, as well as a solid scientific background in marketing and economic research. The department of Pharmaceutical Management and the department of Pharmacy of Healthcare institution of Ministry of Health of the RA was joined in 2011. From September 2016 the department has renewed the teaching of the subject “Medical and pharmaceutical Supplies.
Academic education is provided in the form of interactive lectures, workshops and cycles of hands-on training during the 3rd and 4th years of Bachelor, as well 1 year of Masters Course. In general, the curriculum includes the following aspects of pharmaceutical entrepreneurship: Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management, Organization, Coordination and Management of Legal-Organizational Pharmaceutical Enterprises, Economics and Finances in Pharmaceutics, Accounting in Pharmaceutics, Service Delivery by Pharmaceutical Enterprises, Pharmaceutical Information, Self-Medication Management, Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Enterprises and etc. Medicines, as unique they are, have their own specificities in terms of advertisement, realization, branding, logistics, registration, government purchases, as well as issues of counterfeit manufacturing and illegal business.
Post-Graduate Education
Post-Graduate Education is presented in the frame of Clinical Residency and Internship Programs, 1 year each. Bases for Residency and Internship Programs are such partner organizations as YSMU pharmacies, Natali Pharm, Alfa-Pharm, Esculap and NIB with their chain drug stores.
In addition, post-graduate and continuing education are another part of educational activities of the Department: thematic qualification of pharmacists, skills improvement of pharmacy technicians, narrow specialization of clinical residents.
Thematic improvement for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians:
- in an integrated course in the specialty “Pharmacy” for pharmacists – 6 weeks, for pharmacy technicians – 14 working days. On average – 4 weeks.
- short-term (2 weeks) cycles: “The pharmacy operations and the basic aspects of the production of drugs” (for pharmacists), “Current Problems of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Industry”, “Drug supply management” ” (for pharmacists), “The role of the pharmacist in public health” (for pharmacists), “Contemporary issues of Social Pharmacy “(for pharmacists).
Narrow specialization of clinical residents
- specialization in Pharmacy Organization (duration – 1 year)
The basic principles of educational and methodological work
- be based on the requirements of national legislation and regulatory documents
- be based on contemporary professional ideology – the philosophy of pharmaceutical care and the concept of quality assurance; acquiring a higher professionalism, stimulating motivation, overcoming negative experience
- awareness of current trends in the field
- awareness of competence and professionalism level to identify the relevant needs
- identify priorities in acquiring a higher