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Department of Physical Training

Contact information

010-301-000 (314, 315)


The Department of Physical Training was founded in 1938.
Head of Department: H.Sh.Tamiryan, Assistant Professor.

The Department of Physical Training and Medical Physical Training was founded in 1938 by G.A.Minasyan.During the Second World War (1941-1945) the Department was dismissed. In 1946 its activity was resumed.

The Department was headed by G.A.Minasyan (1938-1941, 1955-1965), H.M.Gargaloyan (1946-1955). In 1965 it was divided into 2 independent departments the Department of Physical Training and Sports and the Department of Medical Care and Medical Physical Training.From 1965 to 1988 the Department was called the Department of Physical Training and Sports.In 1989 the Department was renamed as the Department of Physical Training and Health and has been supervised by E.H. Avagyan(1965-1992)and A.K. Movsesyan(1992-2009).In 2009 the Department was renamed as the Department of Sport Medicine and Sports,in 2010 the Department was renamed as the Department of Physical Training and has been supervised by S.G. Baroyan (2010-2011),  A.K. Movsesyan (2011-2020),  H.Sh. Tamiryan (2020 – of present).

        Associate professors Eduard Hovhannes Avagyan and Albert Karapet Movsesyan made a great contribution to the establishment of the chair.


Physical Education” is thaught 3 languages (Armenian, Russian, English). The materials intended by programme are trasmited to students by means of lectures and practical works. In 2011, the department passed to the new system of training; the subject is teached 2 hours a week (68 hours ) to the first year students of all faculties. (includes all foreign students). As of 2011-2012 academic year, in Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) the faculty of military medicine has reopened, where physical training will be taught 4 hours a week (136 hours). Higher course students will be allowed to join in a physical training activity. if desired. The sporting eduipment is worn out due to the many years of use., YSMU has the big sporting hall, the wrestling room (being renovated). the sporting room for our students in the special medical group and the looker-rooms. There is a tourism group, which is held in a specially designed room, therapy group and chess classes are temporarily held in the same room.

The Department is concentrated with educational and didactic materials and sports equipments.

Sports and sanitary measures take place during the academic year. Students take part in republical, municipal and student’s championships.

Different championships take place among groups, courses and faculties. Different popular campaigns, climbings to different peaks of RA. “Rector’s Cup” tournament is being held from 2022.

The chair organizes various friendly matches from basketball, volleyball and futsal sports.


From 2021-2023 the chair published 1 educational manual and 5 articles. The chair participates in scientific conferences organized by the Foundation of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Armenia, prepares articles, theses.


The chair cooperates Foundation of the State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of Armenia, National Sports Federations, Armenian Student Sports Federation Department of Phsical Trainings.


Surname, Name Chair position Academic Degree Academic title
Tamiryan Harutyun Shmavon Head of the Department,Assistant Professor -Associate Professor
Torosyan Vachagan Hrant Associate Professor
Vardanyan Andranik Albert Associate Professor
Atabekyan Karine Samvel Senior     Lecturer
Petrosyan Alvard Nver Senior     Lecturer
Petrosyan Hasmik Lendrush Senior     Lecturer
Apresyan Varsenik Aghabek Assistant Professor
Shirinyan Narek Rafik Assistant Professor
Grigoryan Gevorg Meruzhan Assistant Professor
Minasyan Hayk Davit Assistant Professor
Hakobyan Zaven Samvel Assistant Professor
Sargsyan Nelli Vachagan Assistant Professor