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Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry

History of the department

It was founded in 2010.

Development of stomatology in the USSR was founded by A. Machuron, by whose initiative it was created the Central dental laboratory (now dental clinic N1), and in 1936 – dental school. In 1946, at the Yerevan Institute of orthopedics and traumatology opened the clinic of oral and maxillofacial surgery, and in 1961 in Yerevan medical Institute, faculty of dentistry.

In 1972 was founded the Republican dental clinic, and in 1974 – at the Institute of improvement of doctors – Department of dentistry led by Professor Edward Gulunyan.

In 1984-2006 years Department of therapeutic stomatology was headed by Professor Valery G. Tatintsyan.

In 2006 to lead the Department of therapeutic stomatology was entrusted to associate professor Lazar Yesayan K.

In 2007-2010 Lazar Yesayan was the head of the Department of family dentistry, and the Department of therapeutic dentistry, candidate of medical sciences Armen Harutyunyan Vahanovich.

In 2010, the department of therapeutic dentistry and the department of family dentistry were merged, whereby was created the Department of therapeutic and family dentistry led by associate professor Armen Harutyunyan.

In may-august of 2011year associate professor Lazar Yesayan was appointed acting head of department and from september the head of  department was appointed associate professor Heghine Sargsyan Nikolaevna.

Associate Professor Lazar Yesayan was elected the head of department in 2015, and leads it to this day.


In the process of students education of the dental faculty the curriculum of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry is to develop comprehensive and unified knowledge on the goals and objectives of the main sections of therapeutic dentistry (cariology, periodontics mycology, endodontics).

The aim of the education is to transfer theoretical knowledge about the maxillofacial system, as well as the use of various phantom equipment, as a result of which students develop professional skills for further clinical work.

The education begins with the second semester of the second course from the section “propaedeutics of therapeutic dentistry”.

In recent years, the teaching staff of the department has published the following educational methodological manuals in Armenian and English:

  • «Ատամնալեցման նյութեր», Երևան, 2006թ.,
  • «Filling Materials», Երևան, 2006թ.,
  • «Pre-Clinical Course of Therapeutic Stomatology», Երևան, 2006թ.,
  • «Կակղանի կառուցվածքը, կակղանաբորբ», Երևան, 2009թ.,
  • «Ատամի կարծր հյուսվածքների ոչ կարիեսային ախտահարումներ», Երևան, 2010թ.,
  • «Ատամի կարծր հյուսվածքների կառուցվածքը, ատամի կարիես», Երևան, 2010թ.,
  • «Պերիօդոնտի կառուցվածքը, պերիօդոնտիտներ», Երևան, 2010թ,
  • «Ատամնափուտի բուժումը և պին համակարգի կիրառումը», Երևան, 2010թ.:

Postgraduate education at the department is represented by clinical residency in the specialties: “Therapeutic dentistry” (3 years), “Family dentistry” (1.5 years).

The department provides education in graduate school (3 years), and also improves doctors and their skills.

Clinical bases of the Department:

  • Dental clinic № 1 (head: S. G. Hambardzumyan),
  • Dental center “.” (head: L. Yesayan),
  • OOO “Babken Demirchyan” (head: K. B. Demirchyan).

Research work

In the Department has been completed and are in progress the following research work:

  • “The main regularities of changes in acid-base balance in diseases of the mucous membranes and some cases of General pathology”,
  • “Laser radiation of low and high intensity at the treatment of diseases of the teeth-periodontium” complex,
  • “Obturation effect on dentinal tubule by hexaftorsilicates of some amino acids” (experimental study),
  • “Occlusal reconstruction in orthopedic treatment of patients with partial adentia”
  • “Problems of temporomandibular joint dysfunction”,
  • “Prediction of results of teeth discolourness treatment and prevention of complications due to selection treatment methods”
  • “The new intrapulpar pins, and improved methods of prosthetic restoration in primary dentition”,
  • “The results of the use CM2 plates saturated with calcium, in the hearth of demineralization and in the period of enamel mineralization”.

By the members of the department annually publishes about 30 articles. Of the major scientific achievements of the Department is the protection of theses.


The Department of therapeutic and family dentistry of dental faculty of YSMU is in close scientific relations with:

  • State engineering university of Armenia
  • Institute of organic chemistry by the name of Mnjoyan,
  • Ashtarak branch of the Physics Institute,
  • Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery of Moscow
  • Russian State Medical University in Tver,
  • “A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.
  • Belarusian State Medical University.

International conferences:

The members of department participated in the following international conferences on the problems of modern dentistry:

  • I International Conference of Armenian Dentists, Yerevan, 1997,
  • II International Conference of Armenian Dentists, Yerevan, 1999,
  • International Conference of Dentists, Yerevan, 2001,
  • International IV Congress of Armenian Dentists, Yerevan, 2003,
  • V International congress of Armenian dentists, Yerevan, 2005,
  • II Pan-Armenian Dental Conference, VI International Congress of Dentists, Yerevan, 2008,
  • The First International Assembly of Dentists, “Dental Education and Science” Association, Yerevan, 2009,
  • VII All-Armenian Dental Congress, VII International Dental Forum, Yerevan-Stepanakert, 2010,
  • Second International Assembly of Dentists, Association “Dental Education and Science” Yerevan, 2012, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Department of Dentistry.
  • The Third International Assembly of Armenian-Georgian Dentists, the Association “Dental Education and Science”, Yerevan, 2013,
  • The Fourth International Assembly of Dentists, the Association “Dental Education and Science”, Yerevan, 2014,
  • First Armenian-Slavic International Dental Congress, Association “Dental Education and Science” Yerevan-Stepanakert, 2016.