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Department of Medical Physics

Contact information

(+37460) 621-325


Founded in 1932

The first Head of the Department of Physics was H. Mikaelyan. In 1933, the Department was supervised by G. Anjur, who was also chairing the Department of General Physics of Yerevan State University. In 1935-1947, the Department was headed by E. Adamyan, who worked out the first training plan and purchased some training devices.

In 1947-1967, the Department was headed by A. Aleksandryan, who initiated research activities at the department. These activities were devoted to the determination of the relationship between the intensity of the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun and the prevalence of certain diseases.

A great contribution to the development and strengthening of the educational and scientific research was made by V. Vardanyan, who headed the Department during 1967-1981. As a member of the Methodical Commission of the USSR Higher Education, a new curriculum of teaching physics in medical universities was developed. In 1971, due to Prof. Vardanyan’s efforts, a modern research laboratory was founded at the department which was furnished with advanced devices and equipment. Subsequently, due to the scientific results obtained at that laboratory, an international symposium titled «Current issues of health and magnetobiology and magnetotherapy» was organized by the USSR Ministry of Health on the basis of the departmental research activities.

Within the next ten years (1991-1981) the Department has been headed by Professor R.S. Oganesyan, who developed new programs for the subjects taught and introduced new laboratory tasks.

In 1991-1996, the Department was headed by Professor G.M. Harutyunyan, PhD. Thanks to his efforts, scientific and educational basic materials were preserved during those hard years in Armenia.

In 1996-2005, the department was headed by Professor G.A. Abgaryan, PhD. During these years the Department purchased new computer-based training materials, which played particularly important role in the teaching of English speaking students. Textbooks «Medical and Biological Physics» (G.A. Abgaryan, V. Musakhanyan), «Higher Mathematics» (S.V. Harutyunyan), as well as manuals for laboratory tasks and a tutorial «Medical Informatics» were published by the Department.

1998-2000 under the supervision of S. Kocharyan the subject of «Medical Informatics» was developed within the framework of the grant provided by the Canadian Government. A handbook consisting of 7 modules was published in three languages and a computer auditorium was organized.

From January 2006 to December 2006, Associate Professor G.A. Tonoyan was the acting Head of the Department.

2006-2011 (June 28), the Department was headed by Professor Yu.S. Babayan, Ph.D. Throughout this period textbooks «Higher Mathematics» and «Medical Physics» were published.

2011 – 2016 Head of the Department was Associate Professor Lyudvig Petrosyan.

Since September 2016, the Head of the Department is Seyran Kocharyan.

A qualification commission of «Informatics» within the framework of PhD programm functions on the bases of the Department under the supervision of the current Head of Department and with the participation of assistant professor S. V. Harutyunyan and lecturers Artsvik Hovhannesyan and Bella Balasanyan.


Teaching includes lectures and practical classes for the first year students of General Medicine, Pharmacology and Stomatology faculties, as well as Premedical faculty of YSMU.

The subjects taught by the department include Higher Mathematics, Informatics, Medical Physics, and elementary Physics. Evaluation of the student knowledge is carried out by the unified testing forms approved by the University. Lectures are conducted with the help of didactic materials and together with the practical classes consultations are held at the department everyday to help the students to master the programs. All the necessary literature is available at the department and the library.

The department staff willfully participates at the works of the student research cycles functioning at the department under the supervision of assistant professor V. Mughnetsyan who discusses their research activities with them and supports them to realize their own scientific projects.

Research projects

  1. “Chronobiological aspects and mathematical modeling of functional interrelation between endocrine shifts and indices of water-salt metabolism” /under the supervision of Kocharyan/
  2. “On the equilibrium and stability of interlocated gravitating systems” /under the supervision of Harutyunyan/
  3. «Նուկլեինաթթուների հակաուռուցքային միացությունների հետ կոմպլեքսների կոոպերատիվ փոխակերպումներ» /թեմայի ղեկավար՝ Հ. Սնգրյան/
  4. «ԴՆԹ-cis DDPt և ԴՆԹ-cis DDPd կոմպլեքսների համեմատական հետազոտություն» /թեմայի ղեկավար՝ Շ. Սարգսյան/
  5. «Միջգոտիական անցումները և էլեկտրոնային վիճակները գլանային համաչափությամբ քվանտային նանոհամակարգերում արտաքին դաշտերի առկայությամբ» /թեմայի ղեկավար՝ Ա. Աթայան/
  6. “Theoretical investigation of mutual diffusion and the influence of external fields on the electron and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures” /under the supervision of Mughnetsyan/
  7. “Development the physicochemical methods standardization of raw material Ziziphora Clinopodioides Lam.. /under the supervision of Ulikhanyan/
  8. “Indepth teaching methods of the “Molecular physics” issues in high school physics course”  /under the supervision of  Yeghiazaryan/

Research projects are conducted within the framework of the following themes: «Chronobiological aspects and mathematical modeling of functional interrelation between endocrine shifts and indices of water-salt metabolism» and «Influence of low intensity electromagnetic waves and active biological compounds on DNA released from tissues in normal or various pathological conditions».