The organization's goals are:
- to protect work and social interests and rights of the organization members;
- to provide staff with social assistance (according to the stated regulations);
- to organize their leisure, leisure activities, co-working of YSMU departments, creating and implementing health, scientific, information programs.
All employees transfer 0.5% of their salary every month and get access to the packages we offer during the whole year.
The carried out programs of “Heratsi” Trade Organization:
- “Heratsi” Trade Organization has spent professional courses of English and French for over two years. More than 200 employees from different departments of the university participated in trainings, some of which, according to their progress, received certificates confirming a new level of language skills.
- Within the framework of the “Social Protection” program, about 1,000 employees have received financial assistance to cover personal, family, health or other costs.
- By implementing the project for the promotion of the employees’ cultural life “Heratsi” Trade Organization has provided its employees with about 10,000 tickets for various citywide events.
- Combining useful and pleasant activities with the support of “Heratsi” Trade Organization inter-department scientific-practical seminars have been organized.
- Within the framework of the “Support to newly families” program, YSMU employees received financial assistance within 3 months after the registration of their marriage. Also every newborn was provided with financial assistance.
- “Flags”. This is the second floor corridor of the main building of the university, where the flags of foreign student countries are hang. Over the years they have worn out, diminished and lost their charm. Taking into account the representative role of this part of YSMU, as an international university, “Heratsi” Trade Organization, has solved this problem. The flags were replaced with new ones, and the number of flags was also increased, since over the years the geography of our university’s international relations has been expanded.
- Two programs at the same time aimed to children, who are treated at university clinics with the support of “Heratsi” Trade Organization. The paintings of the children of “Muratsan” University Clinic were exhibited at the University. Shortly thereafter, a room for art therapy was opened in the Ophthalmologic Clinic of “Heratsi” Hospital Complex.
Further we will carry out many programs that will give a new impetus to the professional and daily activities of YSMU employees.
180 members of the “ Heratsi” trade organization and members of their families for participating in hostilities during the war unleashed by the Republic of Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh since September 27, 2020, as well as for providing medical care and services to people wounded as a result of the war in medical organizations outside their main place of work, were provided with duly one-time financial assistance. In addition to this, coupons for resort centers were given to the 141 above mentioned group members . In the period from 2020 to 2021, 173 members of the organization, infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus received financial assistance, and 129 members of the organization belonging to the same group received coupons to holiday homes.