By the YSMU Scientific Council’s
Resolution № 22-06-07-02
Dated on 30.06.2022
Rector: A. A. Muradyan
The YSMU internationalization is considered to be the indivisible part of the strategic programs of the University which is to secure the progress and development of the University and provide its stable place in the international association of universities in the domains of medical education and studies. The University runs the policy of encouraging the establishment of external affairs and defines relevant procedures. Internationalization is the constituent part of the overall activities of the University management system, faculties, departments, clinics, separate departments. All programs of international cooperation are transparent and available.
A 1 | Through education export to improve the reputation of the University on the international platform by means of which contributing to strengthen political affairs with different countries. |
A 2 | In science and education due to the cooperation with foreign medical institutions and engagement of international leading specialists to become part of boosting the country’s intellectual potential. |
A 3 | To improve the general education quality of the University by upgrading and delivering the educational programs. |
A 4 | To export educational programs and scientific achievements. |
A 5 | To procure and invest modern technologies and innovative solutions in education, scientific research and practical medicine. |
A 6 | To convey culture, art, literature to the youth of different nations. |
A 7 | To invest the income from the education of foreign citizens into the economy of the University and the country. |
B 1 | Internationalization as a domineering indicator for quality assurance of education and research is conducted in the following main directions: |
1. Education, Research, Innovation
· Internationalization of educational programs and research; · Elaboration and implementation of joint programs/projects; · Input of modern technologies. 2. International Mobility · International mobility of students and staff; · Affiliation of representatives of the international academic public to the educational and public life of the University. 3. International Environment of the University · Organization of international conferences and events of cultural integration; · Admissions for students from different countries. 4. International Profile · Getting affiliated with international organizations and networks; · Engaging the University in international ranking systems; · International accreditation of programs; · Social inclusion and social responsibility distribution. |
1. Internationalization of Educational Programs
For the purpose of the in-time reaction to rapidly changing local and international challenges in medical education and practical healthcare, the University strives to promote the internationalization potential in its educational programs. In order to achieve the internationalization of educational programs, the University promotes the program development making it consistent with the internationally approved approaches in medical education by means of putting in teaching methodology, engaging international students and lecturers in the educational process, providing opportunities of international mobility. In order to improve the educational programs, the University creates “Board of International Advisors for Educational Programs” involving in it experienced and reputable specialists from the field of medicine and healthcare of the international medical institutions cooperating with the University. The University offers students to study in additional educational programs such as: · In order to improve the educational programs, to create “Board of International Advisors for Educational Programs”. · To offer students to study in additional educational programs such as “Lantset”, “School of Young Surgeons”, FMGE, Tropical Diseases, CAPSULA, GlOb-US, ERPM. Taking into consideration healthcare priorities of the student’s country, to offer corresponding additional educational programs; · In order to boost the productivity of the educational programs, to engage invited and visiting lecturers in the teaching process of the University; · To enable students to participate in the EU International Credit Mobility Programs in an open and fair competition as well as in exchange programs within the direct cooperation between YSMU and international universities. Success Indicators · Number of international staff involved in the process of program delivery; · Number of students involved in the programs; · Number of students and staff participating in international mobility; · Reports, positive opinions of experts and international structures; · Employment rate of graduates; · Number of graduates who have pursued their studies overseas. 2. Internationalization of Research The University contributes to the development of research and innovations and pays special attention to the high quality of research assisting in the development of the research infrastructure and the internationalization of research programs. The University promotes the cooperation with international research centers/organizations, clinics of international universities, researchers of international quality and the implementation of joint research projects, PhD and doctoral programs. This process presupposes the implementation of trainings among students and staff engaged in the programs, international mobility, availability of resources/modern literature in foreign languages. Success Indicators · Internationally acceptable indexing of scientific and research publications; · Citation index of the scientific staff in the database of international data; · Joint research projects with international partners. 3. Elaboration and Implementation of Joint Programs/Projects The University regards the implementation of joint international programs and projects as a tool for improving and broadening the cooperation with international partners in the fields of strategic significance. The University takes part in international grant programs and cooperates with the bellow-mentioned medical institutions, research centers and clinics of different countries, seeks for new ways of cooperation, as well as cooperates with local structures. Cooperation within the framework of international grant programs Within the framework of Erasmus+: · University of Porto, Portugal; · University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; · University of Málaga, Spain; · University of Granada, Spain; · University of Chester, the United Kingdom; · Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; · University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Within the framework of SAFEMED+ project: · University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; · University of Catania, Italy; · Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine; · University of Vilnius, Lithuania; · Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia; · Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine; · Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy, Georgia. Direct Cooperation with International Universities: · Université Paris-Est Cretéil Val de Marne, France; · Faculty of Medicine of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany; · Aix Maresille Université, France; · Open Medical Institute, Medical Education without Borders; · The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, USA; · Mercer University School of Medicine, Georgia Neurosurgical Institute, Georgia; · Boston University School of Medicine, USA; · Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia; · Russian National Research Medical university after Nl Pirogov, Russia; · Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia; · Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia; · Stavropol State Medical University, Russia; · Faculté De Medecine Et De Maïeutique Lyon Sud – Charles Mérieux, France; · Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Educational Institute of Thomas Jefferson University, USA; · Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia; · University of Ostrava, Czechia; · University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy; · Slovak Medical University in Bratislavia, Slovakia; · L’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France; · University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway; · University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain; · Otto von Guerikee University Magdeburg, Germany; · University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France; · Hannover Medical School, Germany; · Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; · International Higher School of Medicine, Kyrgyz Republic; · Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov, Russia; · Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Russia; · Stavropol State Medical University, Russia; · Public Institution Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Moldova · State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia; · Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan; · Orenburg State Medical University, Russia; · Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Tajikistan; · Samara State Medical University, Russia; · University of Iowa, USA. Cooperation with Local Structures: · Russian-Armenian University of Yerevan; · SGM Partners Law Company; · UFAR, Armenia; · Health Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia; · Liqvor Pharmaceutical Company. Success Indicators · Number of joint programs; · Influence of the outcomes of joint programs and projects on the development of the relevant fields. 4. Input of Modern Technologies The University contributes to the implementation of innovations. In the processes of education, research, clinical practice, management putting in modern technologies is considered to be a vital condition for the development and institutional progress of the University. Putting in modern technologies ensures the chance of equal integration in the international field. The University pays special attention to the input of artificial intelligence technologies as a tool contributing to education and to making a clinical decision. Success Indicator · Progress and outcome obtained as a result of the input of modern technologies. International Mobility 1. International Mobility of Students, Clinical Residents, Physician-Specialists Employed at the University Clinics, Researchers, University Staff The University promotes the creation of opportunities of international mobility. To this end, the University budget plans to provide the necessary financial resources. The University promotes the participation of students, young physicians, researchers, staff in the exchange program of “Erasmus+”, “SAFEMED+”, “Horizon 2020”, “Horizon Europ”, “COBRAIN” and other large international grant programs, as well as in the programs provided by the direct cooperation with international universities. International exchanges will enable students to receive credits and acquire wide cognitive opportunities overseas. The below-mentioned YSMU Alumni and Armenian Physicians’ Unions abroad provide students, clinical residents, young physicians with the opportunities of long-term and short-term educational and professional trainings in international clinics and universities: · World Union of Armenian Doctors- the USA, Armenia; · American Armenian Medical Association- California, the USA; · YSMU Alumni Union of Lebanon- Beirut, Lebanon; · YSMU Alumni Union of India- New Delhi, India; · YSMU Alumni Union of Great Britain- The United Kingdom; · YSMU Alumni Union of Sri Lanka- Colombo, Sri Lanka; · YSMU Alumni Union of France- Paris, France. Success Indicators · Number of exchange programs; · Number of the participants in exchange programs. 2. Engagement of International Academic Personnel The University pursues the high quality assurance of the provided educational programs and research activities. To this end, the University finds it relevant to engage highly qualified international academic personnel in educational and research processes as visiting and invited lecturers and researchers. The direct cooperation with international educational institutions provides wide opportunities in engaging international academic personnel. Success Indicators · Number of the international academic personnel; · Number of the YSMU staff members involved in teaching and research activities in educational institutions of foreign countries; · Outcomes. International Environment of the University 1. International conferences, seminars, workshops The University promotes the intensive participation of its academic personnel in international conferences, seminars and workshops and it similarly organizes such academic events. In 2016-2022 9 Nobel laureates visited the University and came up with plenary lectures. The University will carry on inviting internationally reputable scientists to its academic processes. Success Indicators · Number of the participants and international events organized by the University; · Number of the University staff members participated in international conferences. 2. Admissions for Foreign Citizens and for Foreigners who are Legally in the Territory of the Republic of Armenia Currently, around 2000 international students from 33 countries study at YSMU. The University intends to expand the geography of international students. The University runs and regulates the admission policy for foreign citizens and for those foreigners who are legally in the territory of the Republic of Armenia (the document of “On Engagement Policy for International Students” is attached to the present document which also embraces events aimed at creating a multicultural environment, the Regulations of “Admissions for International Applicants” and “Preparatory Education for Foreigners”). Success Indicator · Number of the international students and the proportion of the total number of students. International Profile 1. Affiliation with International Organizations and Networks The University cooperates with the following international structures: · Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG); · Jonkoping County Council; · Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery; · Central Diagnostic Imaging Network LLP; · Armenia Fund USA; · SLOP-International Society of Pediatric Oncology; · POEM Pediatric Oncology East and Mediterranean Group. The University pursues to expand its affiliation with other international organizations, particularly with the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Success Indicator · Engagement in organizations of international education and those of the sphere. 2. Integration of the University into the International Ranking System In 2017 the University applied to “Shanghai” Ranking Organization in order to clarify its position on a ranking scale, received comprehensive analytical data form the abovementioned organization and presented them to the University Scientific Council and as a result of the discussions, a strategy was elaborated in order to get integrated into the international ranking system. The University also pursues to get involved in other international ranking systems such as “QS” and “Times”. Success Indicator · Integration of the University into the International Ranking System. 3. Social Engagement and Social Responsibility The University considers social engagement and social responsibility (in favor of public welfare) to be an indivisible part of its general activities. In 2017 on the initiative of the University and with the financial and material support of different foundations, individual benefactors, YSMU alumni and different international constructions, “Rehabilitation Center for Wounded and Disabled Soldiers” was established and it is equipped with modern equipment, prosthetic department, plastic surgery hall. 5000 soldiers, who have got injuries and disabilities in the war conditions, as well as civilians with limited abilities have got rehabilitation treatment in that center over the past 5 years. The University also implements a social program in the field of general education. “Heratsi” High School is included in the structure of the University and the overwhelming majority of its graduates choose their further education in medical professions. The University also operates a tuition fee discount system for its students, who are members of disadvantaged families and have disabilities or physically limited abilities. “National Research Center for Health Programs” structure was also established in the University, the aim of which is to examine challenges faced by the healthcare sector, to offer solutions and to prepare relevant medical personnel. The University will pursue to implement other social programs as well. Success indicator · Projects, outcomes, number of beneficiaries carried out in the field of corporate social responsibility. International Accreditation of Educational Programs The University considers the international accreditation of education programs to be a mechanism contributing to the international recognition. It is a strategic priority. In 2022 the University plans to apply to the relevant structure of the country implementing international accreditation for the purpose of international accreditation of the basic medical education of the educational program in the specialty of “Medicine” within the framework of the established standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE). To invite an experienced specialist/specialists who is/are familiar with the standards of the international accreditation for the purpose of the University general activities aimed at international accreditation, the effectiveness and the implementation of educational programs, the complete or incomplete use of the University logistic database, development potential and opportunities objective as well as obtaining an external assessment, consulting and support service. The University finds it relevant to make all the documents adopted and exercised by it accessible and transparent for the international specialists implementing the process of accreditation creating the possibility and environment of effective work. In 2025 University also plans to implement activities aimed at the international accreditation of the basic education of the “Stomatology” and “Pharmacy” educational programs. In 2024 to carry out internal audit aimed at the implementation of the educational programs of “Stomatology” and “Pharmacy” and in November, 2024 to submit the University Scientific Council a report regarding the outcomes. Success indicator · Internationally accredited programs. |
C 1 | Information Collection/Benchmarking |
· Examines the tendencies of the circulation, development and changes of educational capital around the world.
· Examines the labor market demand for medical professions in different regions of Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America as well as in developed countries. · Examines international grant programs aimed at the medical education, professional and teaching improvement, research and the participation possibilities in these programs. · Creates database regarding YSMU graduates including the country of labor activity, profession and personal data (with consent). · Examines the legislative requirements of the given country aimed at the qualification recognition of YSMU medical education in foreign countries. · Examines the legislative requirements for citizens of the applicant’s country who aim to pursue medical education in international countries. · Examines the opportunities and presented requirements of the RA citizens, who want to study in higher medical institutions of international countries and pursue training in international clinics. |
C 2 | Disseminating Information on the University |
· Disseminates information about the delivery of educational programs of YSMU in foreign countries through mass media, the University web page, the University information structures and social networks.
Through information dissemination international applicant gets introduced to the procedure of “On the Admissions for International Applicants to the RA Higher Educational Institutions” prescribed by the Resolution № 700N approved by the RA Government in 2011, which includes the list of the required documents and the requirements to be submitted. · Submits the necessary information to the relevant structures belonging to foreign countries (Departments of Education and Science, Healthcare, National Medical Councils) within the framework of the defined procedure of the given country in order to recognize the qualification of medical education of YSMU. · Disseminates information with regard to the University scientific-research directions to interested international universities and scientific institutions. · Information about the YSMU graduates with great labor achievements as well as about international students having excellent progress is posted on the University website. |
C 3 | Mechanisms To Ensure the Attractiveness of Studies |
· Ensures the accessibility and attractiveness of the combination of tuition fee and education quality.
· Elaborates financial aid mechanisms for students having great progress including establishing nominal scholarships. · Provides students with the opportunities to participate in educational, scientific groups and conduct research parallel with their studies. · Participates in student exchange programs. · Provides the student body with the opportunities to use the University library including the electronic library fund for free. · Provides international students with favorable living conditions at the University hostel, ensures security, solves health problems by means of insurance structures and the University hospitals. · Ensures freedom of membership in student autonomous structures, active participation in University life. · Provides an opportunity for presenting the art, culture, literature of its country, participation in sport groups. |
C 4 | Academic Personnel as Beneficiary |
· For the purpose of advancing their professional growth in teaching, the University applies options and methods for the career development of the academic personnel and practices financial encouraging methods.
· By means of international grant programs and direct cooperation, creates an opportunity for young lecturers to undergo long-term and short-term trainings in international universities and leading clinics. Similarly, creates an opportunity to participate in joint scientific research. · Via international grant programs and direct cooperation enables lecturers with a command of foreign languages to teach in international medical institutions for a semester or for a short period of time. To that end, provides means of financial aid. · For upgrading the education and other foreign languages, organises English, German, French, Spanish and Russian courses through the YSMU Department of Foreign Languages. To the same end, within the range of TOEFL and IELTS to collaborate with the American University of Armenia, the British Council in Armenia. |
C 5 | University-Student Mutual Connection |
· The University encourages international students to participate in the activities of the autonomous organization of “Student Parliament”.
· For students and the academic personnel elaborates survey mechanisms referring to educational and university life, continues conducting the survey of “The Professor Through the Eyes of the Student”. Analyzes survey results. · Once or twice a year organizes a meeting between the University Rector, Vice-Rectors, Dean and the international students. · Organizes events for multinational students studying at YSMU dedicated to the public holidays of the Student’s country. · Contributes to the activities of literary, musical, cultural events, such as “Student Spring”, “Student Autumn”, “National Cuisine”, etc. in order to strengthen the extracurricular connection between foreign, local students and the academic personnel, as well as to organizing activities of “Anglophones”, “Francophones”, “German Speakers” and other clubs. · Through “Legal Clinic” provides students with legal support. |
1. The RA Law “On Education” dated on 14.04.1999;
2. The RA Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” dated on 14.12.2004; 3. The RA Law “On Foreigners” dated on 25.12.2006; 4. The RA Law “On Language” dated on 30.03.1993; 5. The RA Government’s №700-N Resolution “On the Approval of the Admission Procedures of Foreign Citizens of the RA Higher Educational Institutions, as well as the Members of the Diplomatic Families Working in the RA Diplomatic Service Body Operating in Foreign Countries” dated on 28.04.2011; 6. The RA Government’s №330 Resolution “On the Reform of the System of Post-Graduate Professional Education of Doctors and Pharmacists in the Republic of Armenia” dated on 19.04.1994; 7. The Charter of ″Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi″ Foundation. |
1. Mechanisms and schedule of the YSMU Internationalization of external affair development and activities;
2. The infrastructure and its functions responsible for Internationalization; 3. The sphere of coordination and functions of the YSMU Vice-Rector for External Affairs and International Partnerships; 4. The report forms of the Faculties and Departments aimed at Internationalization 5. The report forms of the Departments referring to Internationalization; 6. Annual compact report on External Affairs and Internationalization (from 2022 to 2028). |
F 1 | Responsible Subdivisions |
1. Departments of International Cooperation and International Student Affairs;
2. Department of Development and Marketing; 3. Dean’s Offices; 4. Departments; 5. Career Centre. |
F 2 | Control |
1. Scientific Council;
2. Department Councils; 3. Rectorate; 4. Centre of Quality Evaluation and Control. |
F 3 | Report |
1. Report introduced to the University Scientific Council (at least once in a year);
2. Report introduced to the Faculty Council (twice a year); 3. Report introduced to the Rectorate (at least once in a year); 4. Work Discussion Certificates; 5. Reports from the Departments and Subdivisions in accordance with the defined forms. |
By the YSMU Scientific Council’s
Resolution № 22-06-07-02
Dated on 30.06.2022
Rector: A. A. Muradyan
The YSMU internationalization is considered to be the indivisible part of the strategic programs of the University which is to secure the progress and development of the University and provide its stable place in the international association of universities in the domains of medical education and studies. The University runs the policy of encouraging the establishment of external affairs and defines relevant procedures. Internationalization is the constituent part of the overall activities of the University management system, faculties, departments, clinics, separate departments. All programs of international cooperation are transparent and available.
A 1 | Through education export to improve the reputation of the University on the international platform by means of which contributing to strengthen political affairs with different countries. |
A 2 | In science and education due to the cooperation with foreign medical institutions and engagement of international leading specialists to become part of boosting the country’s intellectual potential. |
A 3 | To improve the general education quality of the University by upgrading and delivering the educational programs. |
A 4 | To export educational programs and scientific achievements. |
A 5 | To procure and invest modern technologies and innovative solutions in education, scientific research and practical medicine. |
A 6 | To convey culture, art, literature to the youth of different nations. |
A 7 | To invest the income from the education of foreign citizens into the economy of the University and the country. |
B 1 | Internationalization as a domineering indicator for quality assurance of education and research is conducted in the following main directions: |
1. Education, Research, Innovation
· Internationalization of educational programs and research; · Elaboration and implementation of joint programs/projects; · Input of modern technologies. 2. International Mobility · International mobility of students and staff; · Affiliation of representatives of the international academic public to the educational and public life of the University. 3. International Environment of the University · Organization of international conferences and events of cultural integration; · Admissions for students from different countries. 4. International Profile · Getting affiliated with international organizations and networks; · Engaging the University in international ranking systems; · International accreditation of programs; · Social inclusion and social responsibility distribution. |
1. Internationalization of Educational Programs
For the purpose of the in-time reaction to rapidly changing local and international challenges in medical education and practical healthcare, the University strives to promote the internationalization potential in its educational programs. In order to achieve the internationalization of educational programs, the University promotes the program development making it consistent with the internationally approved approaches in medical education by means of putting in teaching methodology, engaging international students and lecturers in the educational process, providing opportunities of international mobility. In order to improve the educational programs, the University creates “Board of International Advisors for Educational Programs” involving in it experienced and reputable specialists from the field of medicine and healthcare of the international medical institutions cooperating with the University. The University offers students to study in additional educational programs such as: · In order to improve the educational programs, to create “Board of International Advisors for Educational Programs”. · To offer students to study in additional educational programs such as “Lantset”, “School of Young Surgeons”, FMGE, Tropical Diseases, CAPSULA, GlOb-US, ERPM. Taking into consideration healthcare priorities of the student’s country, to offer corresponding additional educational programs; · In order to boost the productivity of the educational programs, to engage invited and visiting lecturers in the teaching process of the University; · To enable students to participate in the EU International Credit Mobility Programs in an open and fair competition as well as in exchange programs within the direct cooperation between YSMU and international universities. Success Indicators · Number of international staff involved in the process of program delivery; · Number of students involved in the programs; · Number of students and staff participating in international mobility; · Reports, positive opinions of experts and international structures; · Employment rate of graduates; · Number of graduates who have pursued their studies overseas. 2. Internationalization of Research The University contributes to the development of research and innovations and pays special attention to the high quality of research assisting in the development of the research infrastructure and the internationalization of research programs. The University promotes the cooperation with international research centers/organizations, clinics of international universities, researchers of international quality and the implementation of joint research projects, PhD and doctoral programs. This process presupposes the implementation of trainings among students and staff engaged in the programs, international mobility, availability of resources/modern literature in foreign languages. Success Indicators · Internationally acceptable indexing of scientific and research publications; · Citation index of the scientific staff in the database of international data; · Joint research projects with international partners. 3. Elaboration and Implementation of Joint Programs/Projects The University regards the implementation of joint international programs and projects as a tool for improving and broadening the cooperation with international partners in the fields of strategic significance. The University takes part in international grant programs and cooperates with the bellow-mentioned medical institutions, research centers and clinics of different countries, seeks for new ways of cooperation, as well as cooperates with local structures. Cooperation within the framework of international grant programs Within the framework of Erasmus+: · University of Porto, Portugal; · University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; · University of Málaga, Spain; · University of Granada, Spain; · University of Chester, the United Kingdom; · Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; · University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Within the framework of SAFEMED+ project: · University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; · University of Catania, Italy; · Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ukraine; · University of Vilnius, Lithuania; · Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia; · Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine; · Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy, Georgia. Direct Cooperation with International Universities: · Université Paris-Est Cretéil Val de Marne, France; · Faculty of Medicine of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany; · Aix Maresille Université, France; · Open Medical Institute, Medical Education without Borders; · The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York, USA; · Mercer University School of Medicine, Georgia Neurosurgical Institute, Georgia; · Boston University School of Medicine, USA; · Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia; · Russian National Research Medical university after Nl Pirogov, Russia; · Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia; · Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia; · Stavropol State Medical University, Russia; · Faculté De Medecine Et De Maïeutique Lyon Sud – Charles Mérieux, France; · Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Educational Institute of Thomas Jefferson University, USA; · Moscow Lomonosov University, Russia; · University of Ostrava, Czechia; · University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy; · Slovak Medical University in Bratislavia, Slovakia; · L’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France; · University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway; · University of Santiago De Compostela, Spain; · Otto von Guerikee University Magdeburg, Germany; · University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France; · Hannover Medical School, Germany; · Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; · International Higher School of Medicine, Kyrgyz Republic; · Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov, Russia; · Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, Russia; · Stavropol State Medical University, Russia; · Public Institution Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Moldova · State Federal-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia; · Karaganda Medical University, Kazakhstan; · Orenburg State Medical University, Russia; · Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Tajikistan; · Samara State Medical University, Russia; · University of Iowa, USA. Cooperation with Local Structures: · Russian-Armenian University of Yerevan; · SGM Partners Law Company; · UFAR, Armenia; · Health Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia; · Liqvor Pharmaceutical Company. Success Indicators · Number of joint programs; · Influence of the outcomes of joint programs and projects on the development of the relevant fields. 4. Input of Modern Technologies The University contributes to the implementation of innovations. In the processes of education, research, clinical practice, management putting in modern technologies is considered to be a vital condition for the development and institutional progress of the University. Putting in modern technologies ensures the chance of equal integration in the international field. The University pays special attention to the input of artificial intelligence technologies as a tool contributing to education and to making a clinical decision. Success Indicator · Progress and outcome obtained as a result of the input of modern technologies. International Mobility 1. International Mobility of Students, Clinical Residents, Physician-Specialists Employed at the University Clinics, Researchers, University Staff The University promotes the creation of opportunities of international mobility. To this end, the University budget plans to provide the necessary financial resources. The University promotes the participation of students, young physicians, researchers, staff in the exchange program of “Erasmus+”, “SAFEMED+”, “Horizon 2020”, “Horizon Europ”, “COBRAIN” and other large international grant programs, as well as in the programs provided by the direct cooperation with international universities. International exchanges will enable students to receive credits and acquire wide cognitive opportunities overseas. The below-mentioned YSMU Alumni and Armenian Physicians’ Unions abroad provide students, clinical residents, young physicians with the opportunities of long-term and short-term educational and professional trainings in international clinics and universities: · World Union of Armenian Doctors- the USA, Armenia; · American Armenian Medical Association- California, the USA; · YSMU Alumni Union of Lebanon- Beirut, Lebanon; · YSMU Alumni Union of India- New Delhi, India; · YSMU Alumni Union of Great Britain- The United Kingdom; · YSMU Alumni Union of Sri Lanka- Colombo, Sri Lanka; · YSMU Alumni Union of France- Paris, France. Success Indicators · Number of exchange programs; · Number of the participants in exchange programs. 2. Engagement of International Academic Personnel The University pursues the high quality assurance of the provided educational programs and research activities. To this end, the University finds it relevant to engage highly qualified international academic personnel in educational and research processes as visiting and invited lecturers and researchers. The direct cooperation with international educational institutions provides wide opportunities in engaging international academic personnel. Success Indicators · Number of the international academic personnel; · Number of the YSMU staff members involved in teaching and research activities in educational institutions of foreign countries; · Outcomes. International Environment of the University 1. International conferences, seminars, workshops The University promotes the intensive participation of its academic personnel in international conferences, seminars and workshops and it similarly organizes such academic events. In 2016-2022 9 Nobel laureates visited the University and came up with plenary lectures. The University will carry on inviting internationally reputable scientists to its academic processes. Success Indicators · Number of the participants and international events organized by the University; · Number of the University staff members participated in international conferences. 2. Admissions for Foreign Citizens and for Foreigners who are Legally in the Territory of the Republic of Armenia Currently, around 2000 international students from 33 countries study at YSMU. The University intends to expand the geography of international students. The University runs and regulates the admission policy for foreign citizens and for those foreigners who are legally in the territory of the Republic of Armenia (the document of “On Engagement Policy for International Students” is attached to the present document which also embraces events aimed at creating a multicultural environment, the Regulations of “Admissions for International Applicants” and “Preparatory Education for Foreigners”). Success Indicator · Number of the international students and the proportion of the total number of students. International Profile 1. Affiliation with International Organizations and Networks The University cooperates with the following international structures: · Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG); · Jonkoping County Council; · Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery; · Central Diagnostic Imaging Network LLP; · Armenia Fund USA; · SLOP-International Society of Pediatric Oncology; · POEM Pediatric Oncology East and Mediterranean Group. The University pursues to expand its affiliation with other international organizations, particularly with the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE). Success Indicator · Engagement in organizations of international education and those of the sphere. 2. Integration of the University into the International Ranking System In 2017 the University applied to “Shanghai” Ranking Organization in order to clarify its position on a ranking scale, received comprehensive analytical data form the abovementioned organization and presented them to the University Scientific Council and as a result of the discussions, a strategy was elaborated in order to get integrated into the international ranking system. The University also pursues to get involved in other international ranking systems such as “QS” and “Times”. Success Indicator · Integration of the University into the International Ranking System. 3. Social Engagement and Social Responsibility The University considers social engagement and social responsibility (in favor of public welfare) to be an indivisible part of its general activities. In 2017 on the initiative of the University and with the financial and material support of different foundations, individual benefactors, YSMU alumni and different international constructions, “Rehabilitation Center for Wounded and Disabled Soldiers” was established and it is equipped with modern equipment, prosthetic department, plastic surgery hall. 5000 soldiers, who have got injuries and disabilities in the war conditions, as well as civilians with limited abilities have got rehabilitation treatment in that center over the past 5 years. The University also implements a social program in the field of general education. “Heratsi” High School is included in the structure of the University and the overwhelming majority of its graduates choose their further education in medical professions. The University also operates a tuition fee discount system for its students, who are members of disadvantaged families and have disabilities or physically limited abilities. “National Research Center for Health Programs” structure was also established in the University, the aim of which is to examine challenges faced by the healthcare sector, to offer solutions and to prepare relevant medical personnel. The University will pursue to implement other social programs as well. Success indicator · Projects, outcomes, number of beneficiaries carried out in the field of corporate social responsibility. International Accreditation of Educational Programs The University considers the international accreditation of education programs to be a mechanism contributing to the international recognition. It is a strategic priority. In 2022 the University plans to apply to the relevant structure of the country implementing international accreditation for the purpose of international accreditation of the basic medical education of the educational program in the specialty of “Medicine” within the framework of the established standards of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE). To invite an experienced specialist/specialists who is/are familiar with the standards of the international accreditation for the purpose of the University general activities aimed at international accreditation, the effectiveness and the implementation of educational programs, the complete or incomplete use of the University logistic database, development potential and opportunities objective as well as obtaining an external assessment, consulting and support service. The University finds it relevant to make all the documents adopted and exercised by it accessible and transparent for the international specialists implementing the process of accreditation creating the possibility and environment of effective work. In 2025 University also plans to implement activities aimed at the international accreditation of the basic education of the “Stomatology” and “Pharmacy” educational programs. In 2024 to carry out internal audit aimed at the implementation of the educational programs of “Stomatology” and “Pharmacy” and in November, 2024 to submit the University Scientific Council a report regarding the outcomes. Success indicator · Internationally accredited programs. |
C 1 | Information Collection/Benchmarking |
· Examines the tendencies of the circulation, development and changes of educational capital around the world.
· Examines the labor market demand for medical professions in different regions of Asia, Middle East, Africa, Latin America as well as in developed countries. · Examines international grant programs aimed at the medical education, professional and teaching improvement, research and the participation possibilities in these programs. · Creates database regarding YSMU graduates including the country of labor activity, profession and personal data (with consent). · Examines the legislative requirements of the given country aimed at the qualification recognition of YSMU medical education in foreign countries. · Examines the legislative requirements for citizens of the applicant’s country who aim to pursue medical education in international countries. · Examines the opportunities and presented requirements of the RA citizens, who want to study in higher medical institutions of international countries and pursue training in international clinics. |
C 2 | Disseminating Information on the University |
· Disseminates information about the delivery of educational programs of YSMU in foreign countries through mass media, the University web page, the University information structures and social networks.
Through information dissemination international applicant gets introduced to the procedure of “On the Admissions for International Applicants to the RA Higher Educational Institutions” prescribed by the Resolution № 700N approved by the RA Government in 2011, which includes the list of the required documents and the requirements to be submitted. · Submits the necessary information to the relevant structures belonging to foreign countries (Departments of Education and Science, Healthcare, National Medical Councils) within the framework of the defined procedure of the given country in order to recognize the qualification of medical education of YSMU. · Disseminates information with regard to the University scientific-research directions to interested international universities and scientific institutions. · Information about the YSMU graduates with great labor achievements as well as about international students having excellent progress is posted on the University website. |
C 3 | Mechanisms To Ensure the Attractiveness of Studies |
· Ensures the accessibility and attractiveness of the combination of tuition fee and education quality.
· Elaborates financial aid mechanisms for students having great progress including establishing nominal scholarships. · Provides students with the opportunities to participate in educational, scientific groups and conduct research parallel with their studies. · Participates in student exchange programs. · Provides the student body with the opportunities to use the University library including the electronic library fund for free. · Provides international students with favorable living conditions at the University hostel, ensures security, solves health problems by means of insurance structures and the University hospitals. · Ensures freedom of membership in student autonomous structures, active participation in University life. · Provides an opportunity for presenting the art, culture, literature of its country, participation in sport groups. |
C 4 | Academic Personnel as Beneficiary |
· For the purpose of advancing their professional growth in teaching, the University applies options and methods for the career development of the academic personnel and practices financial encouraging methods.
· By means of international grant programs and direct cooperation, creates an opportunity for young lecturers to undergo long-term and short-term trainings in international universities and leading clinics. Similarly, creates an opportunity to participate in joint scientific research. · Via international grant programs and direct cooperation enables lecturers with a command of foreign languages to teach in international medical institutions for a semester or for a short period of time. To that end, provides means of financial aid. · For upgrading the education and other foreign languages, organises English, German, French, Spanish and Russian courses through the YSMU Department of Foreign Languages. To the same end, within the range of TOEFL and IELTS to collaborate with the American University of Armenia, the British Council in Armenia. |
C 5 | University-Student Mutual Connection |
· The University encourages international students to participate in the activities of the autonomous organization of “Student Parliament”.
· For students and the academic personnel elaborates survey mechanisms referring to educational and university life, continues conducting the survey of “The Professor Through the Eyes of the Student”. Analyzes survey results. · Once or twice a year organizes a meeting between the University Rector, Vice-Rectors, Dean and the international students. · Organizes events for multinational students studying at YSMU dedicated to the public holidays of the Student’s country. · Contributes to the activities of literary, musical, cultural events, such as “Student Spring”, “Student Autumn”, “National Cuisine”, etc. in order to strengthen the extracurricular connection between foreign, local students and the academic personnel, as well as to organizing activities of “Anglophones”, “Francophones”, “German Speakers” and other clubs. · Through “Legal Clinic” provides students with legal support. |
1. The RA Law “On Education” dated on 14.04.1999;
2. The RA Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” dated on 14.12.2004; 3. The RA Law “On Foreigners” dated on 25.12.2006; 4. The RA Law “On Language” dated on 30.03.1993; 5. The RA Government’s №700-N Resolution “On the Approval of the Admission Procedures of Foreign Citizens of the RA Higher Educational Institutions, as well as the Members of the Diplomatic Families Working in the RA Diplomatic Service Body Operating in Foreign Countries” dated on 28.04.2011; 6. The RA Government’s №330 Resolution “On the Reform of the System of Post-Graduate Professional Education of Doctors and Pharmacists in the Republic of Armenia” dated on 19.04.1994; 7. The Charter of ″Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi″ Foundation. |
1. Mechanisms and schedule of the YSMU Internationalization of external affair development and activities;
2. The infrastructure and its functions responsible for Internationalization; 3. The sphere of coordination and functions of the YSMU Vice-Rector for External Affairs and International Partnerships; 4. The report forms of the Faculties and Departments aimed at Internationalization 5. The report forms of the Departments referring to Internationalization; 6. Annual compact report on External Affairs and Internationalization (from 2022 to 2028). |
F 1 | Responsible Subdivisions |
1. Departments of International Cooperation and International Student Affairs;
2. Department of Development and Marketing; 3. Dean’s Offices; 4. Departments; 5. Career Centre. |
F 2 | Control |
1. Scientific Council;
2. Department Councils; 3. Rectorate; 4. Centre of Quality Evaluation and Control. |
F 3 | Report |
1. Report introduced to the University Scientific Council (at least once in a year);
2. Report introduced to the Faculty Council (twice a year); 3. Report introduced to the Rectorate (at least once in a year); 4. Work Discussion Certificates; 5. Reports from the Departments and Subdivisions in accordance with the defined forms. |