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Conferences “Current Standards in Cancer Diagnoses and Therapy” and “Applied Healthcare Research and Cancer Registries”

Conferences “Current Standards in Cancer Diagnoses and Therapy” and “Applied Healthcare Research and Cancer Registries”

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to invite you to attend the conferences “Current Standards in Cancer Diagnoses and Therapy” and “Applied Healthcare Research and Cancer Registriesto be held at Yerevan State Medical University.

Speakers: 12 honorary Professors from German and Austrian Universities     

Language: English

Venue: YSMU Conference Hall   

9-11 April

“Current Standards in Cancer Diagnoses and Therapy”

The three-day conference attendee registered physicians will receive CME theoretical credits and clinical residents/students will receive participation certificates.  

Registration is available via the link below:


Registration deadline: 01 April, 2018

 12 April

“Applied Healthcare Research and Cancer Registries”

The conference attendee registered physicians will receive CME theoretical credits and clinical residents/students will receive participation certificates.  

Registration is available via the link below:


Registration deadline: 01 April, 2018

For additional information you may contact YSMU Department of International Cooperation:

Tel:(+374 10) 547-263, (+374 10) 529-605