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Alla Tusuzyan

Date of birth, place of birth

18 April 1949, Yerevan

Working activity

1971-1974–YSMI, scientific research laboratory of the Department of medical biology and genetics, senior laboratory assistant

1974-1989- scientific research laboratory of the Department of medical biology and genetics, junior researcher

1989-YSMI, Department of medical biology and genetics, part-time applicant assistant and part-time junior researcher

1994- YSMI, Department of medical biology and genetics, full-time assistant

1999- up to date – associate professor at the Department of biology of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi ( has proved by HAC,Diploma Դ N00371)


She has defended the candidate dissertation at Moscow 2nd medical institute after I. Pirogov: “The state of myocardial capillary channel and adrenal inertia in the conditions of adrenaline damage and indomethacin effect”, receiving a degree of the candidate of biological sciences.


From 2006- member of morphologists association of Armenia

Specialization trainings

Specialization training at the Medical University after M. Heratsi (1999, 2001, 2007, 2013, 2017)


2000- Diploma on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

2005- “Silver medal” on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the foundation of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

2010- Jubilee“Silver badge” of Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Personal Dates

not married, have a daughter