Year, Date, Place of Birth
December 15, 1964, Region of Gegharkunik, Noratus
Work activities
2011- Associate professor of Surgery chair N3 of YSMU
2007-2011 Associate professor of Surgery chair N1 of YSMU
2002-2007 Assistant of Surgery chair N1
1994-2002 Senior lab.assistant of surgery chair N1
Scientific activity
2013- International Congress of Elderly Surgery
2010- Take a part at the International Congress dedicated to 90th anniversary of YSMU
2009- 12th Conference of Surgical European Union
2008- International Congress of Surgery
2003- Pan Armenian Surgery International Congress ,Yerevan, Armenia
2001-Got a PhD about “Several questions on gastroduodenal perforated ulcer”
Professional activity
1992 – Member of Armenian Surgical Association
Personal information
Married, has two children.