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Arman Nazinyan

Date of birth:

21.11.1973, Yerevan

Postgraduate education

From 2011 to present – Assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology N2, YSMU

From 2013 to present – Head of department of operative gynecology and mammology”Astghik” Medical Center

2013 -RF, Moscow, Moscow Regional Research Institute of obstetrics and operative hysteroscopy and hysteroresectoscopy

2012- Georgia –specialized training in endoscopic gynecology

2011- France, Clermon-Ferrand courses for proffesional development (endoscopic gynecology)

2007- The Department of breast tumors of the National medical research center of oncology N.N. Blokhin”

2005 -JICA Japan- organization of mother and child health

1997-1999-Training course on the basis of the Central Clinical Hospital for endoscopic gynecology

1997-1999 – The Department of gynecological oncology of the National medical research center of oncology N.N. Blokhin” Russian Academy of medical

Sciences- Clinical residency – the diploma of the phisician

Participated in various conferences in Armenia and abroad.

Author of more than 20 scientific articles.

Professional skills

Personal qualities: knowledge of anatomy, modern conservative and operational methods of diagnostics and treatment, a kolposkopy and ultrasonography, methods of fundamental pharmacotherapy and methods of physical therapy, rules of registration of medical documentation, independent performance of big and small operations.

Knowledge of the computer – Microsoft Office, Power point, languages – Armenian, Russian, English.

Attentiveness, confidence, politeness, literacy, observation, responsibility, independence, ability to work in collective, care, steadiness.

Marital status

Married, 2 children