Date of birth
27th of January, 1954 RA
Work Skills
2010 Associate professor Chair of f Urgent Cardiology
2008-2010 Associate professor YSMU Chair of Therapy 1
2003-2008 Associate professor YSMU Chair of propedeutics of internal diseases
1993-2003 Associate professor YSMU Chair of Therapy 1
1991-1993 Assistant YSMU Chair of Inner diseases’ therapy 1
1985-1991 Senior laboratory assistant YSMU Chair of Inner diseases’ therapy 1
1983-1985 Doctor of Republican High School of Sports Mastery Olympic Training Center
1980-1983 Cardiologist at Hoktemberyan CRH
1978-1980 Local doctor at Hoktemberyan CRH
1977-1978 Internship doctor Yerevan Medical Union N 2
Scientific Activity
1988 defended candidate thesis and received degree of candidate of medical sciences
Professional activity
Member of Armenian Cardiologists Association
Personal data
Married, has two children