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Armenouhi Naslyan

Date/place of birth

03 June 1974, Ереван


Work Experience

2014 before nowYerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi “Physics department”,lecturer

2002-2014 Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi “Physics department”, assistant

1998-2002 Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi “Physics department”, software engineer, laboratory assistant


3 scientific articles, educational manual for medical informatics for English-speaking students 2000, educational manual for higher mathematics for English-speaking students in 2017.


2002 “Getting to know the culture of applying for grants”, Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi

2006 “Pedagogy” and “psychology”, Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi

2013 “Pedagogy” and “psychology”, Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi

2014 International summer school of the modern trends in science: scientometrics, Institute for informatics and automation problems Armenia

2017“Pedagogy” and “psychology”, Yerevan State medical university after Mkhitar Heratsi

Personal data

Married, has three children.