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Arthur Shukuryan

Date of birth

May 03, 1956

Professional experience

2001 to present Professor, Chief of Otorinolaringology Department,Yerevan State Medical University

2008 to present Chair of Department of Otorinolaringology, Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU)

1992 to present Head of Department of Otorinolaringology, “Erebuni” Medical Center, Yerevan

2003 Chief ENT Doctor of Republic of Armenia

1998 Chief ENT Doctor of Yerevan City

1996-2002 Vice-Rector of International Relations, Yerevan State Medical University

1991-2001 Associated Professor, Department of Otorinolaringology

1984-1991 Junior, Senior Scientific Collaborator, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorinolaringology


February 1990 – November 1990 ENT clinic, Munich, Germany(DAAD Alumni)

June 1992 – September 1992 ENT clinic, Paris, France

November 1993 – December 1993 House Ear Institute, USA (USAID programm)

1993/1997/2010 ENT clinic, Munich, Germany(Visiting Doctor)

1993/2003/2004 ENT clinic, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA(Visiting Doctor)

1994/1997/1999/2003 ENT clinic (Hospital Trusso), Paris, France(Visiting Doctor)

1999/2007 Cornell seminar, Intership, Salzburg, Austria

2001 Fullbright Alumni, Columbia University, New York, USA

2002 ENT clinic, Gottingen, Germany(Visiting Doctor)

2002 ENT clinic, Graz, Austria(Visiting Doctor)

2006 ENT clinic, Hannover, Germany(Visiting Doctor)

2007/2011 ENT clinic, Vienna, Austria (Visiting Doctor)

2009 ENT clinic, Kiel, Germany(Visiting Doctor)


President Award of Republic of Armenia


2001 “Kochum” -“Grade”, Republic Award


2003 Certificate for Clinical Education, Observation of Hearing Screening, Head and Neck Surgeries, Cochlear Implants at UCLA Medical Enterprise

2004 Zaslujenni wrach-Honored Doctor

Partisipation in the International Meetings

1990 Participation in the ENT Symposium in München, Würzburg

1992 Participation in the World Congress of Armenian Doctors, Paris, France

1993 Participation in the ENT Symposium, Los Angeles

2002 Participation in the ENT World Congress, Cairo, Egypt

2003/2009 Participation in the DAAD-Symposium (Alumni-Symposium),Bonn, Germany

2005 Participation in the ENT World Congress, Rome, Italy

2007 Participation in the ENT European Congress, Vienna, Austria

2008 Participation in the ENT European Congress, Paris, France

2009 Participation in the ENT World Congress, in San-Paulo, Brazil

2010 Participation in the ENT World Congress (Cochlea Implant),Dubai

2011 Participation in the ENT Politzer Symposium, Athens, Greece

2012 Participation in the ENT European Padiatric Congress, Pamplona, Spain

2012 Participation in the ENT International Congress, EndoWien.Vienna, Austria

2012 Participation in the ENT Congress, Amsterdam , Holland

2012 Participation in the ENT World Audiological Congress, Moscow, Russia

2012 Participation in the ENT XXVII Assembley IAOHNS,OMI Satellite Symposium Otorhinolaryngology,Yerevan, Armenia

2013 Participation in the ENT European Congress, Nice, France

2013 Participation in the ENT World Congress, Seoul, Korea

Research interests

Ear diseases, surgeal correction of hearing, audiometry, conductive and sensoneural deafness, cochlear implantation, plastic surgery, endolaryngeal interventions.

Publications:124 publications

Superviser of 12 dissertation


President of Armenian Assosiation ORL

Member of International Audiological Society

Member of International Rhinological Society

Knowledge of Languages

Russian,English, Germany

Marital Status

Married, 2 children