Date of birth:
Born in 05.01.1942. in the village of Gegharkunik in Gegharkunik region
Work experience
1986- Defended his PhD thesis in Moscow
1980-1990- Associate professor in the Chair of Biology
1990-currently- professor at the Chair of Biology
1991-1997-Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics
1997-2007- Scientific Secretary
1993-currently- Member of Theoretical Medicine Council
2006- currently -Chairman of the Commission on Primary Scientific Documents
Scientific Activity
158 scientific articles, 1 monograph, 12 scientific and methodological works, 1 scientific patent, head of 3 theses, head of the funded topic.
YSU Gold Medal, RA Ministry of Education Medal
In 2016 was nominated at the presidential office for the title of Honored Worker of Science
The theme of the defended thesis
“Combined antioxidant therapy in the process of metabolic, morphological and functional changes in mucosal experimental infarction”, Moscow, 1986
Professional Trainings
Faculties of Quality Development- 1981-Moscow, 1986- Kiev, 1992- Leningrad, 2015-YSMU
Personal Status
Married, 1 son , 2 grandchildren