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Felanna Sargsyan

Date and place of birth

1944, 15 July, Yerevan, RA


Working experience

2007-present YSMU Pharmacy department assistant

1994-2007- YSMU assistant professor at the department of Pharmaceutical chemistry

1981-1993-YSMU General and Clinical Chemistry department, SRCL senior laboratory researcher and professor assistant at the same department

1969-1976-YSMU brain semi-synthetic reactions senior laboratory researcher

Senior laboratory researcher selected via competition at the same laboratory

1967- YSMU, SRCL senior laboratory assistant of biochemistry department

Scientific data

1973-PhD candidate awarded degree of Philosophy in biological sciences

Awards and Certifications

1987 – Certificate of MoH RA

2000- YSMU certificate

2005- YSMU “Golden Medal”

2007- YSMU honor

2010- YSMU “Golden Medal”

2012-MES RA honor

Professional data

2011-2017- Pharmaceutical faculty attestation reviewing committee member

Personal details

Married, has 2 daughters, 5 grandchildren