Professional activity
Since 2017 to day Head of cheir Department of Surgical Stomatology and Maxillo-facial surgery, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Armenia
2009-2017 Professor of the Department of Surgical Stomatology and Maxillo-facial Surgery YSMU, Yerevan, Armenia
2000-2008 Associate Professor of the Department Surgical Stomatology, YSMU, Yerevan, Armenia
1998-2000 Assistant of the Department of Surgical and Pediatric Stomatology, YSMU, Yerevan, Armenia
1998-2016 ExecutiveDirector-Chief Doctor of the Medical Center “Prometey”,Yerevan,Armenia
1994-1998 the Head of the Department of Public Health, the Chief Doctor of the Polyclinic of JSC Zakneftegazstroy-Prometey, Yerevan, Armenia
1990-1994 the head of the Ambulatory Gehakert, according to the joint. stomatolog at the Central District Hospital in Echmiadzin, Armenia
1984 -1990 worked as a stomatolog Gehakert ambulatory at the Central Regional Hospital in Echmiadzin, Armenia
1984-1987 in the direction of Min. Health RA worked as a stomatolog at the Department of Stomatology at the Central Regional Hospital in Arthyk, Armenia
1985. Improvement on the topic “Neoplasm of Maxillo-Facial region”, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery N8 of the Hospital, Yerevan, Armenia
1989. Improvement on the topic “Modern problems of surgical dentistry”, Yerevan State Medical Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
1999. Improvement on the topic “Dental implantology”, Medico-Stomatological Institute (MSI), Moscow, Russia
2000. Seminars on “Transitional health management”, “Organization of polyclinic service”, “Tools for effective management” within the framework of the “Management and organization of public health” program, School of Health Management and American University of Alabama, Yerevan, Armenia
2002. Seminar on the “Skills of Health Organizers”, American International Health Organization (AIHA), USAID, Yerevan, Armenia
2002. Educational course “Oral Implantology”, American Academy of Dental Implantology, Los Angeles, USA
2005. Course of the lecture on the topic “Actual questions of stomatological implantology” Training center of dental implantology and periodontology “Ovasak”, Odessa, Ukraine
2006. Improvement on the topic “Organization and Management of Healthcare” National Health Institute after ac. S. Kh. Avdalbekyan, Yerevan, Armenia
2010. Improvement on the topic “Surgical Stomatology” Yerevan State Medical University. M. Heraci, Yerevan, Armenia
2011. The Main Aspects and Implant’s Treatment Plans in Complex Prosthodontics Cases. Alpha- Bio TEC, Yerevan, Armenia
2015 Improvement on the topic “Actual issues of Surgical Stomatology”, Yerevan State Medical University. M. Heraci, Yerevan, Armenia
Scientific Activity
1998. defended his PhD thesis
2005. title Associate professor
2008 defended his Doctoral thesis
2011. Title Professor
Author of the training book “Dental Implantology” (in Armenian), co-author of the training book “Propedeutics of surgical stomatology” (in Armenian).
Author of about 70 scientific works published in national and international journals. Repeatedly spoke with the reports at international conferences and congresses.
Member of the specialized council 0025″Stomatology, Otorhinolaryngology,Ophthalmology” YSMU , member of various methodological commissions of YSMU. Supervisor of 3 candidate works. Official opponent of 9 candidate and 1 doctoral works.
1998.Active member of Armenian Dental Association
1999.Active member of Armenian Oral surgary and and Maxillo-facial surgery
2000.Member of European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
2002. Acting member-academician of the medical and biological section of the International Academy of Sciences of the Ecology of Safety .
2008. The real member-academician of Academies of Medico-Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation.
2010. Fellow-academician of the Academy of International Dentistry.
2011. Member of the Board of the Association of Dental Science and Education
From 1997 to 2017 was actively involved in International Conferences and congresses. The articles and abstracts published in conference proceeding books.
1997 I International Dental Congress, Yerevan
1998 XIV Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS), Helsinki, Finland
1998 VIII International Congress of Stomatologists, Moscow, Russia
1999 II International Dental Congress, Yerevan
1999 II International Congress on Cranial and Facial Bone Distraction Processes, Paris, France
2000 I International Congress Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yerevan
2000 X International Congress of Stomatologists, Moscow, Russia
2000 International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of YSMU, Yerevan
2000 XV Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS) Edinburgh, Scotland
2001 XV International Conference on Oral&Maxillofacial Surgery, Durban, South Africa
2001 III International Dental Congress,Yerevan
2002 II International Congress Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yerevan
2002 AAID 51st Global Conference on Oral Implantology, Los Angeles, USA
2002 XVI Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS) Muenster, German
2002 I National Scientific and Medical Conference “Human Health”, Yerevan
2003 XI International Linkov-Brukel Symposium “Clinical Implantology and Dentistry”, St. Petersburg, RF
2003 I Interdepartmental conference “Modern aspects of rehabilitation in medicine”, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Yerevan
2003 IV International Dental Congress,Yerevan
2003 II National Scientific and Medical Conference “Human Health”, Yerevan
2004 VII International Conference “Modern Problems of Implantology”, Saratov, RF
2004 IV-th International Dental Congress, Yerevan
2005 III Young Medics international Conference, Yerevan
2005 International conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of YSMU, Yerevan
2005 V International Dental Congress, Yerevan
2006 IX International Conference “Modern Problems of Implantology”, Saratov, Russia
2006 XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Barselona, Spain
2007 Scientific and Practical Conference of the Association of Dentists of the XXI Century “Practical Dentistry – New Challenges”, Yerevan
2008 Panarmenian 2nd forum of Armenian dentists, International 6th conference of dentists, 3rd pre-election tour of pan-European congress, Yerevan
2008 VII National Scientific and Medical Conference “Human Health”, Yerevan
2009 International Conference “Dental Education and Science”, Yerevan
2010 International Congress Euromedica Hannover, Germany
2010 VII-th International Dental Congress, Yerevan
2010 International Congress Dedicated to the 90 Anniversary of YSMU Fundation, Yerevan
2010 VIII National Scientific and Medical Conference “Human Health”, Yerevan
2012 YSMU Reporting Conference, Yerevan, Armenia
2013 The First Armenian-Georgian Binational Dental Congres,Yerevan, Armenian, Tbilisi, Georgia.
2014 XII Congress of CIS Stomatologists, Yerevan
2015 IV International Medical Congress of Armenia, Yerevan
2016 First Armenian-Slavonik International Congress Stomatologists and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Yerevan
2016 International Congress Euromedica Hanover, Germany
2017 VIII International Conference “Modern Aspects of Rehabilitation in Medicine”, Yerevan
“Silver Medal”, YSMU
“Gold Medal Armenian Dental Association