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Garnik Tonoyan

Date of birht

October 9, 1945 in Yerevan.



In 2014 , received a certificate of honor from the university ” Haybusak ”, Yerevan.

In 2010, the head of the chair of mathematics and physics of the University “Haybusak”.

In 2008, started working at the chair of mathematics and physics of the University of Haybusak, Yerevan, with 0.5emolument , as an associate professor.

In 2000 was awarded an honorary diploma of medical University, and in 2005 a gold medal.

In 2007 worked as an associate professor.

In the 2005-2006took the position of head of the chair of physics, was a member of the academic council of University.

In different yearslectured and conducted practical lessons at various faculties of the Yerevan medical university, generally at the Faculty of general medicine.

In 1993 received a degree of associate professor and worked at thechair of Physics, as an associate professor.

After graduating from the Yerevan state university in 1969,started working at the chair of physics of the Yerevan state medical university due to the appointment of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Armenia, at the beginning , as a senior laboratory assistant, since 1970 as a junior researcher, and since 1978 as an assistant.

Compiled and submitted for approvalsystem of knowledgetesting on subjects “Higher mathematics” and “Medical physics”,as well as neweducational plansfor the students of the medical faculty.

The general pedagogical experience makesabout 50 years.

Number of scientific-methodical and scientific works is 43.

Personal data

Married, has two children.