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Gevorg Grigoryan

Date and birth

24 march, 1985


2008 – Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry as a Senior Laboratory Assistant

2008 – 2010 responsible for phantom rooms in Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry.

From 2010 to the present lecturer in Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry.

From 2007 to the present works as a practical dentist in No. 1. Stom. Clinic by university

2010 to 2012 served in the army

Social work

2002-2006. – member of the student council, member of the student scientific society, member of the intellectual group, member of the small and large scientific council, participant of the action “Healthy way of life”, participant of the festival of photography “Days of Photography”, participant of the festivals “Student Spring”, participant of the KVN

Scientific work

“The use of polyvinyl films and threads impregnated with propolis with the activity of BIO-30 in the treatment of chronic forms of periodontal inflammation”

Plann – Annotation to the thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences for the subject “Stomatology” ԺԴ¸.00.12


From 2007 – member of the Dental Education and Science Association, member Association of Armenian Dentists, member of the International Dental Pan-Armenian Assemblies.


2014 – in the department of qualification and improvement of YSMU, studying the modules

<< Psychology >>, << Pedagogy >>, << Methods of Test Preparation >>

He is the author and co-author of 12 scientific articles and teaching aids.

Knowledge of languages

English – well, Russian – perfect

Personal data

Married, has the son