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Gohar Gasparyan


Date and place of birth

March 3, 1980 Yerevan, Armenia

Work experience

2005-2006 – senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology at YSMU

2006-2007- lecturer at the Department of Therapeutic Stomatology at YSMU

2007-2011-lecturer at the Department Family Dentistry at YSMU

From 2011to the present – lecturer of the Department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry at YSMU


Since 2007 – member of the association «Dental Education and Science»


2011 – ” Actual problems of therapeutic dentistry” in the department of advanced training and improvement of the YSMU

2014 – in the department of advanced training and improvement of the YSMU, the improvement in the modules “Psychology”, “Pedagogy” and “Methods of compiling tests”.

Knowledge of languages

 English (excellent), Russian (excellent)

Personal data

Married and has three children