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Hripsime Magdesieva

Date and place of birth

12.05.1952, in Yerevan.

Work experience

1977-1993 worked at the N1 teaching hospital for infectious diseases in Yerevan as a resident, then as a head doctor in charge of a unit.

In 1992 entered the department of infectious diseases as a senior laboratory assistant, during the same year was promoted to an assistant.

2006-2013 worked at the department of infectious diseases as an Assistant Professor.

From 2013 to date has been working as a Senior Lecturer.

In 1992 in St. Petersburg’s military medical academy received her candidate’s degree with the “Features of cellular immune response in different clinical variants of hepatitis B” thesis.

Periodically attended postgraduate training courses in “Infectious diseases” and “Pedagogy”.

Is a member of Armenian Hepatological Association.

In 2006 was awarded the rank of Assistant Professor by the decision of YSMU Academic Council.

In 2007 the rank of Assistant Professor was approved by RA Higher Attestation Comission.

In 2010 was presented with a YSMU anniversary silver medal.

Personal data

Is single, has a daughter.