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Liana Aghekyan

Date of Birth:

June 16, 1973  Gumri, Armenia


”Institute of Surgery “, after A.L. Mikaelyan, Yerevan, Experience Armenia

2007 – Present Anesthesiologist, Intensive Care Specialist

2010 – Present “Yerevan State Medical University” after M.Heratsi Assistant, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

1999- 2003 Gyumri State Hospital N 1, after A. Tovmassyan, Gyumri, Armenia

Anesthesiologist, Intensive Care Specialist

2001- 2009 Gyumri State Medical College, Gyumri,Armenia

Assistant, Department of Anesthesiology- Reanimatology

Board Certification Member of the Armenian Association of Anesthesiologists and 

Since 2009 Intensive Care Specialists, Ministry of Health of Armenia


Abstracts 1. Co-Author of the Article “Oxygen securing of Brain during

Different regimens of Artificial Lung Ventilation”  “Circulation”, 2010, Yerevan, Armenia


Armenian, Russian, English, Italian

References Available upon request:

1. Rita T. Virabyan, M.D., Ph.D., Doctor of Science, National Institute of

Health, Co-Chair of Anesthesiology, Yerevan, Armenia

2. David L. Melkonyan, M.D., Ph.D., Doctor of Science, National Institute of

Health, Chair of Anesthesiology, Yerevan, Armenia; State Medical University,

Co-chair of Anesthesiology, Yerevan, Armenia

3. Onik M. Melkonyan, Vice- Director of the “Institute of Surgery”

after A.L. Mikaelyan, Yerevan, Armenia

4. Magda I. Yeghiasaryan, Head of “Anesthesiology and Intensive Care” Department

of the “State Medical University” after M.Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia

5. Ashot Z. Karapetyan, Head of Anesthesiology Department of the“Surgery Institute”

after A.L. Mikaelyan , Yerevan, Armenia