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Marina Markaryan

Date of birth:

28.07.1957, Yerevan.


1982 – 1987 Awarded by 6 Diploma for exemplary performance of working duties in the Garrison Hospital.

1988 Moved to the Chair of Pediatric Dentistry of the Yerevan State Medical Institute as an assistant.

1989 Defended PhD thesis in Military Medical Academy after Kirov, in Leningrad.

1990 Was awarded the degree of PhD.

1994 Took the position of an assistant professor in the same chair.

1988 – 1996 Scientific Secretary of the Faculty of Dentistry.

2000 Was awarded the “Gold Medal” at the 70th anniversary of YSMU.

2000-2006 Took the post of the Head of the Department of Prevention of Dental Diseases and Pediatric Dentistry of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi.

2001-2006 By compatibility took the post of Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of YSMU,

and simultaneously was appointed on the post of the head of University  Dental Clinic No. 2 of YSMU.

2005 Has been defended Doctoral thesis.

2006 Was awarded the Science degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

2006 Was awarded the Academic title of Professor.

2006 Deputy Director of Dental Technician school of Armenian-French College.

2007- till now Department of Therapeutical and Family Stomatology of YSMU, as a professor.

2008- Has been awarded “Gold Medal” at YSMU.

2011- till now Scientific Secretary of the Professional Board “025” of YSMU.

2016 – till now Chief of the grant project Eurasia Oral Pathology

2017 –till now Deputy of National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia

She is an author of numerous scientific papers and articles (more than 130), has 7 rationalization proposals and 2 inventions, 14 teaching manuals. Her works have multiple published in scientific journals of RF. She is a Head of 8 PhD thesis.


2013 – till now Member of European Association of Dental Public Health


2014 – she improved her qualification and retraining courses at YSMU, including “Psychology”, “Pedagogy”, “Testing Methodology”

2015 – 7-weeks of qualification course on “General Stomatology” at the department of General Stomatology of YSMU


2001 – chairman of ENGO “Preventive Stomatology and Children with Disabilities”

LANGUAGES : russian (excellent) , english (good)