Date and place of birth
Born 08.08. 1972 in Yerevan
Work experience
2002-2010 worked as the assistant at department of histology in YSMU
Since 2010 works as the associate professor at department of histology in YSMU to this day
2012 was awarded scientific degree of associate professor
In 2008 – have defended the master’s thesis on a subject “The histological, histochemical and electronomicroscopical description of skeletal muscle tissue during experimental Crush-syndrome” YSMU.
2002, 2007, 2013 Qualification courses in the specialty “Pedagogics, psychology and informatics” at YSMU.
2006- member of RA Morphologists’ Association
Teachin in Armenian, Russian, English.
Participate in the YSMU program “GLOBUS”.
Personal data
Married, has 3 children.