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Naira Zakaryan

Date, place of birht

4.09.1963, Yerevan


Work experience

2013 to this day- Senior lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry in YSMUafter M.Heratsi

1986-2013 – worked at the Biochemistry institute after Hr. BuniatyanNAN RAas a scientist, since 1996 – Senior scientist


1990- “Isolation and Characterization the Bovine brain protein Interacting with Glutamate” , 02.00.10 – bioorganic chemistry, chemistry of natural and physiology active compounds, Moscow


Since 2002 member of the European biochemical Association (FEBS) in Armenia (sub-section AAB,Armenian Association of Biochemists)


2015–Courses for language training in YSMU, qualification to teach biochemistry to foreign students in English language

2016 – Courses of professional training ,06.05.2016


1980- Gold medal for graduation of middle school

1986 – Red diploma for graduation of YSU Biological Faculty with honors

1990 – PhD degree, Certificate XM N 021676

Social activities

2010 Member of Organization Committee of BIOPHARMA congress, held in Yerevan, may 2010

2012-2014 – AAB Secretary

Personal data

Married, 2 children