Date and place of Birth
14.12.1977, Yerevan, Armenia
Work experience
2003-2005 Laboratory Senior Assistant at the department of Internal Medicine N1, YSMU, Armenia
2005-2008 Assistant Professor at the department of Internal Medicine N1, YSMU, Armenia
2008 -2013 Assistant Professor at the department of Internal Medicine N2, YSMU, Armenia
2013-present Associate Professor at the department of Internal Medicine N3 (Head of studying process), YSMU
2003-2015 “Kanaker-Zeytun Medical Center”,Yerevan, Armenia
2015 May till present “Nairi “ Medical Center, Yerevan, Armenia, Doctor-endocrinologist
2016 December till present Vice-chief at Nairi Medical Center,Yerevan, Armenia
Scientific activity
2011 PhD on “Mineralocorticoid function of the adrenal cortex in patients with FMF”
14.07.2011 Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia By the resolution of the Council of National Institute of Health has been awarded the degree of MD, PhD
16.05.2013 Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia By the resolution of Scientific Committee of Yerevan State Medical University has been awarded the Title of Associate Professor in the field of Medicine
2003 till present – over 40 publications – both in native and foreign journals, poster presentations in international
2005, 01.11.-30.11. Improvement on “Pedogogics” and “Psychology”, YSMU
2006, May Recognition of attainment a score of 90% excellent on the ESP evaluation examination in 2006, Department of Foreign Languages of YSMU after M.Heratsi
2008,10.11.- 21.11. Improvement on “Diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands,” NIH, Yerevan
2008,11.05.-17.05. Duke Family Medicine Seminar, Salzburg, Austria
2009, 26.10.- 06.11. Improvement on “Modern aspects of Diabetology”, NIH, Yerevan
2010, 01.03. -02.04. Improvement on ” Organization of medical help of population in peaceful and military emergencies”, NIH
2011, 5.07. -29.07. Traineeship on endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine N3/ Endocrinology, University Hospital of Vienna, Austria
2011, July 19-21 Clinical Research at a Glance, Introduction to Good Clinical Practice, Vienna School of clinical Research, Vienna, Austria Certificate of Participation and Successful passing the final exam
2012, 1.06.-3.06. Seminar “Diabetes, priority and efficacy of treatment” Moscow, 2012
2014, 29.01.-14.03. Improvement on “Modern aspects of Clinical Endocrinology”, NIH, Yerevan
2015, 28.05-30.05 EASD Postgraduate Course on Clinical Diabetes, Tbilisi, Georgia
2015, 14.09-18.09 51st EASD Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
2016, 25.01-11.03 Improvement on “Modern aspects of Internal Medicine”, YSMU
2016, 11.04-23.04 “Advanced training in Endocrinology” in Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, Greece
2016, 12.09-16.09 52nd EASD Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany
2016, 03.09-06.09 39th Annual meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Copenhagen, Germany
2017, 23.03-26.03 World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases in Florence, ITALY
2017, 06.04-08.04 EASD Postgraduate Course on clinical Diabetes and its Complications, Yerevan, Armenia
2017, 21.04-22.04 2017 InternationalForum for the Advancementof Diabetes Research and Care, Barcelona, Spain
2017, 11.09-15.09 53nd EASD Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
2017, 09.09-12.09 40th Annual meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Belgrade, Serbia
Member of Armenian endocrine society
Ordinary member of ETA (European thyroid association)
Active member of Academy of Medical Technical Sciences, RF
Language skills
Marital status
Married, 2 children