Date and place of birth
January 17, 1972, Yerevan
Work experience
1989-1990 nurse in Yerevan state sport dispenser
1998-2005 dr./physiotherapeutic at sanatoria of Dj. Shmavonyan in Kotayq
2000-2006 dr./phisiotherpeutist in <<Manuk>> policlinic in Yerevan
2008-2010 – senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Family Dentistry.
From 2010 to the present – assistant at the department of Therapeutic and Family Dentistry
2004- 7 weeks in the department of advanced training and improvement of the National Institute of Health after S. Avdalbekyan<<Actual questions in physiotherapy>>
2014-7 weeks in the department of advanced training and improvement of the YSMU after M. Heratsi<<Modern methods and technologies in the practical physiotherapy>>
2016. – in the department of advanced training and improvement of the YSMU, the improvement in the modules “Psychology”, “Pedagogy” and “Methods of compiling tests”.
Knowledge of languages
English (good), Russian (excellent)
Personal data
Not married.