09 December 1969, Yerevan
1977-1987 – russian school N23
1988-1994 – YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi, Faculty of General Medicine
1994-1997 – PhD at the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of YSMU after
Mkhitar Heratsi
Work experience
1997-2003- Assistant at the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
Since 2003- Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
2003-2011- Deputy at the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology in ,, Heratsi,, Clinical Complex N1 of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
2001-2012 – Scientific Secretary at the Faculty of General Medicine of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
2006-2008 – Vice-Dean at the Faculty of General Medicine of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
Since 2012- Chief Specialist at the Department of Lecturers, Qualification Enhancement of YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
Scientific work
1998 –PhD in ԺԴ.00.03 internal diseases (allergology and immunology) ,, Ca 2+- independent and Ca 2+- dependent K +/H +- exchange in human lymphocytes in rate and during tumor growth,,
Professional experience
,,Allergy and Immunology” Qualification improvement: Pavlov 1st State Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2012г.-V World Asthma and SOPD Forum and the XVII International Congress on Rehabilitation in Medicine and Immunorehabilitation : New-York, USA
2013- ,,International Masterclass in Caucasus Region,,, Tbilisi, Georgia
2016 – ,,Basic level of Molecular Allergy Diagnostic” training: Medical University of Vienna and INUNIMAI
2017- ‘Staff Mobility of Erasmus+” – Medical faculty of University of Porto, Portugal
Member of working group of clinical guidelines` creation for patients with allergic diseases.
Author of more than 10 of scientific articles and thesis in the international and local press, also author of one and co-author of some other study-methods guides in the sphere of clinical immunology and allergy.
Membership in associations
“Armenian association of allergologysts and immunologysts”
“CIS allergologysts and clinical immunologysts association”
“World Allergy Organization (WAO )
Honors and awards
2005 – “ Silver Medal” YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
2010 – “ Gold Medal” YSMU after Mkhitar Heratsi
Additional information
Married, has a daughter