Date of birht
Work experience
May 2016 to present Head of National Certification Center for Professional Development, NIH, MOH, RA
Dec. 2016 to present Senior Lecturer Department of ENT Diseases of YSMU, “Armenia” Republican Medical Center
Dec. 2012 to present Otorhinolaryngologist “Armenia” Republican Medical Center
Oct. 2014-2016 Associate Professor Department of ENT Diseases, YSMU
March 2014 Oct. 2015 Chief specialist Department of Academic Programs of Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU),
2011 Feb.- 2014 Oct. Assistant Professor Department of ENT Diseases, YSMU
2006 June – 2012 Dec. Otorhinolaryngologist, N2 Hospital, Yerevan, Armenia,
2006 Dec. – 2011 Feb. Senior laboratory assistant, Department of ENT Diseases, YSMU
2004 Sep. – 2006 June Chief of Medical service, Armenian National Lyceum named after A.Shirakatsi (Scientific-educational complex
2010 Dec.- Defence of PhD Thesis,YSMU, RA, “The prevalence of ENT diseases among pre-conscript and conscript age adolescents in Yerevan and comparative description of physical development rates of adolescents suffering from ENT diseases”.
Specialities: 14.00.18. “ENT diseases”, 14.00.05 “Hygiene, professional pathology and toxicology”
2014 Oct. Academic status of Senior Lecturer
Since 2009member of Armenian Otorhinolaryngologists’ Association
Trainings and Courses
2017 Research program of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), UniversityHospitalHalle (Saale),Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT, head and neck surgery,Halle (Saale), Germany
2017 Salzburg CHOP Seminar “Medical Leadership”,Salzburg, Austria
2015Salzburg CHOP Seminar “Medical Eucation”,Salzburg, Austria
2014 Erasmus Mundus Action 2, Alrakis 2 program, University of Santiago de Compostela, Department of dermatology and otorhinolaryngology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2013 Observership in ENT,General Hospital of Salzburg,Salzburg, Austria
2013 Research program of German Academic Exchange Service,UniversityHospitalHalle (Saale),Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT, head and neck surgery,Halle (Saale), Germany
2012 “63 Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop”,Barcelona, Spain
2012 Exchange program, “Ernst von Bergmann” Hospital, ENT-Department, Potsdam, Germany
2012 Salzburg Weill Cornell Seminar in “Otolaryngology”, Salzburg, Austria
2012 Advanced training courses in ENT Diseases,YSMU, Yerevan, Armenia
2009 Course of “Objective Methods of Audiometry”, Institute of Audiology and Hearing Aid, Moscow, Russia
2007 Training in Otorhinolaryngology, Heinrich Heine University, ENT-Department,Düsseldorf, Germany, Letterofconfirmation