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Sos Harutyunyan

Birth, Date, Birthplace

June 5, 1954, Armenia



1997 on Assistant professor at the Medical Physics department of the Yerevan State Medical University

1986-1997 assistant at the Medical Physics department of the Yerevan State Medical University

1981-1986 junior scientist at the research laboratory of the Medical Physics department of the Yerevan State Medical University

1976-1978 Department of general physics of Yerevan State University


In 1985 defended dissertation on ‘On Equilibrium and Stability of Interlocated Gravitating Systems’ and was awarded the degree of candidate of physic-mathematical sciences, Code: 01.04.02, ‘Theoretical and Mathematical Physics’.


26 papers, Textbook; Higher Mathematics


Academic council of the ‘General Medicine’ department of the Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi

Personal Data

Married, two children