Year, Date, Place of Birth
1962, 6 of April, Yerevan
Work Experience
2007 – YSMU, Assistant Professor at Chair of Paediatrics N 1
2007 – Paediatrician at “Muratsan” University Hospital
1986- 1987– Paediatrician, Outpatient Clinic N 2, Gyumri
1987-1993 – Paediatrician, Outpatient Clinic N 1, Yerevan
1993-1999 – Paediatrician, Head of the National Breastfeeding Education, Training and Resource Centre at Centre for Perinatology, OB&G
1999-2002- Health Consultant, Family Care
2002-2003- Health Expert, Family Care
2003-2004- Health program manager, Family Care
1999-2007- National Institute of Health, Assistant at Department of Paediatrics
Academic activity
Author and co-author of scientific articles
2013 – The Powerful Advocacy Award, awarded by the Mother and Child Health Armenian Alliance
2016- PR national prize in the “Armenian PR Award” field, awarded by the Minister of Health of RA
Professional experience
Trainer on a consultancy basis for the following organizations: UNICEF, World Vision (WV), Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), Family Care and other
Training health personnel in Maternal-Child Health Care issues at national, regional and international levels since 1996, including:
Facilitation of the Training of Trainers on “Breastfeeding Counselling” 40-hour course (WHO, Tbilisi, Georgia, Dec. 1999)
Facilitation of the UNICEF–ICDC Training Course on “Implementation and Monitoring the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes” (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, March 2009)
Facilitation of the Training of Trainers on “Young Child Health and Nutrition” (21-26 July, 2014, Yerevan, Armenia)
Facilitation of the workshop on “Implementation and Monitoring of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes” (18-23 May, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)
Organisation of numerous trainings for health care providers countrywide in Armenia on primary paediatric health care issues, including infant and young child nutrition, growth monitoring and growth disorders, child development and behaviour, child safety etc.
Coordination of five national surveys (2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2016) on monitoring the marketing practices of baby food companies and infant and young child nutrition practices in Armenia
Assessment of infant and young child nutrition practices in health facilities (member of BFHI Committee on Implementation Procedure and Coordinating & Awarding Committee at MOH)
Development and implementation of a new national initiative for the improvement of practices in paediatric outpatient clinics “Baby Friendly Policlinics”
Participation in drafting of the National Law on “Promotion of breastfeeding and marketing of infant food”, currently adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia
Participation in development of the national program on “Protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding” (1994) and three “National Nutritional Strategies” (2006, 2011, 2013, 2015)
Nutrition Expert at “South Caucasus food safety and security improvement program”, OXFAM (April 2016)
Assessment of policy and programs in the Republic of Armenia regarding Infant and Young Child Feeding, completed according to the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) (September, 2015)
Since 1997 27 international meetings, trainings and conferences attended
1998-Founder and President of ” Confidence” Health NGO
Since 1998 the following grant programs were carried out by Confidence Health NGO and coordinated by S Harutyunyan:
«Establishment of Confidence Health NGO» a grant from the Netherlands Ministry of Development Cooperation (June 1998 – Dec. 1999)
«Confidence Health NGO Capacity building for promoting and protecting breastfeeding in Armenia» (IBFAN-GIFA project in DAC 1 countries, I phase, 2004-2005)
«Promotion of breastfeeding and protection of it from misleading commercial promotion in Armenia» (IBFAN-GIFA project in DAC 1 countries, II phase, 2006-2007)
«Advocacy campaign for legislative promotion of breastfeeding and regulation of infant food marketing» (Counterpart International Armenia, 2011)
«Campaigning for achieving health commitments: Making Votes and Voices Count in 2012 Elections» (Counterpart International Armenia, 2012)
Re-enforcing Well-Child Care Policy (Counterpart International Armenia March – September, 2013)
World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) Assessment in Armenia (BPNI, 07.07.15 – 30.10.15)
Call to Action on Breastfeeding and Infant & Young Child Feeding (BPNI (Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India), 30.10.15 – 30.12.15)
Campaign for enforcement of the law on “Breastfeeding promotion and regulation of marketing of infant food” (“Transparency International” NGO, 01.06.16 – 31.12.16)
Monitoring of the State of Nutrition in Armenian Schools (Oxfam Armenia, 09.12.16 – 30.06.17)
2007- Board member of International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN)
2009-Member of GIFA (Geneva Infant Feeding Association)
2011- Member of committee of Mother & Child Health Armenian Alliance
2016-Member of NetCode (Network for Global Monitoring and Support for Implementation of the International Code) Task Force for Capacity Building
2016-Member of NetCode Guidance Documents Task Force
2016 – Member of the Public Council under the Minister of Health of the Republic of Armenia
Personal information
Divorced, has 2 sons