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Tanya Alaverdyan Tevosyan

Date of Birth:

August 15, 1942 Armenia region Kotayk v. Hacavan

Experience and education

1950 – 1960 Yerevan School N5

1960-1966 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

/General Medicine Faculty/

1966-1970 Armenia/Yerevan, Hrazdan regional hospital ()

1970-1972 Moscow, Institute of Cardiology, Acadamy of Medical Sciences, Resident of Nephrology

1972-1992 Armenia, Republic Clinical Hospital, nephrologist

1986 PhD Degree

1992-1995 Yerevan, MC of ,,Surb Grigor Lusavorich,, Department of Nephrology, nephrologist

1992-1995 RA, National Health Institute , Department of Therapy, assistent

1995-2012 RA, National Health Institute , Department of Therapy, associate professor

2012 to present YSMU, Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Therapy 3, associate professor

Scientific Activities

1986 PhD Degree

1970- present Participated in many medical conferences, congresses both in Armenia and abroad

1972-present 3 handbooks , 1 monography, 1 Student Book, 42 scientifical articles

Research Interests

Internal Medicine, Nephrology

Language Skills


