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Vardan Aznuaryan

Professional Activity

Since 2004 Professor at the Department of Ear-Nose and Throat (ЕNТ) Diseases, Yerevan State Medical Institute named after Mkhitar Heratsi

2003 Doctoral Thesis Defense, theme: “Modern aspects of Destructive Diseases and Combined Deformations of Nose and Nasal Septum”

1997-2004 Assistant professor at the Department of Ear-Nose and Throat Diseases, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi

1995-1997 Assistant

1994 Candidacy Dissertation Defense at Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health, Moscow

1990-1993 PhD Student, Erevan State Medical Institute, Department of Ear-Nose and Throat Diseases

Scientific Activity

Developed and implemented the surgical method of single –step surgical approaches of nasal septum and external defect of the nose for the first time.

Bone-matrix-implants (Demineralized bone tissue and fetus bone tissue) were applied In Practical Rhinology for the first time

Initiator of Anthropometric Data Computer Evaluation, when choosing the shape of the nose for Reconstructive Surgery and Rhinoplasty, applied in Armenia for the first time


Since 2015 Co-worker of L. I. Sverjensky Research Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology

Member of the International Academy of Head and Neck Surgery


Awarded 2 Golden Medals of YSU


Author of more than 100 Published Works