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Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi is the coordinator of Tempus VERITAS (Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles) Project for the years 2014-2016.

The Project aims at reforming the doctoral education in the Republic of Armenia to be harmonized with the Qualifications Framework and the Salzburg Principles.

The Projects involves RA 20 HEIs and educational institutions, European leading HEIs and educational institutions.

Project Partners:

1. Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) – Coordinator

2. UDG – University of Girona, Spain

3. WUS – World University Service, Austria

4. UHMF – University of Heidelberg, Germany

5.KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

6. BSU – Bath Spa University, United Kingdom

7. RA Ministry of Education and Science, Armenia

8. Supreme Certifying Commission, Armenia

9. National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance, Armenia

10. National Academy of Sciences, Armenia

11. Yerevan State Academy of Fine Arts, Armenia

12. YSU – Yerevan State University, Armenia

13. YSULSS – Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences, Armenia

14. YSUAC – Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction, Armenia

15. ASUE – Armenian State University of Economics, Armenia

16. Gavar State University, Armenia

17. Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute, Armenia

18. Northern University, Armenia

19. Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia

20. «Education Quality» LLC, Armenia

The key results of «VERITAS» will promote the capacity of higher education institutions, the ensuring of quality doctoral education, as well as will create prerequisites for quality scientific researches and for PhD degree award and to define quality standards and criteria.

For more information please visit www.tempusveritas.am