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  • Scientific Research Center

Scientific Research Center

  • Morphological research laboratory
  • Immunoenzymatic research laboratory
  • Environment, Hygiene and Toxicology Laboratory


Implementation of fundamental and applied scientific researches based on the University’s laboratory, methodic and complex principles.

Introduction and implementation of modern methods of experimental and clinical-laboratory researches.


  • Ensuring working conditions to the staff of departments of the University, the scientific groups, PhD students, and students to be able to conduct scientific researches either on their own or together with the Scientific-Research Center, and provision of scientific advocacy support.
  • Creation of independent scientific groups of clinical residents and students on the grounds of the Scientific-Research Center basis with the aim of conducting scientific researches with modern directions of theoretical and practical medicine.
  • Conduct of scientific-practical lessons with students in the relevant units of Scientific-Research Center with the aim of implementation of technique to use research equipment and modern methods of research.
  • Qualification of scientific staff, implementation of capacity building events.

Neuroscience Laboratory


21.06.2016 by the decision of YSMU Board of Trustees no. 16, the research laboratories of Biochemistry and Biophysics were merged and named laboratory of Neuroscience.

15.01.2020 by the decision of YSMU Board of Trustees no. 2, the Neuroscience laboratory was approved with a separate structure.

Neuroscience laboratory researches are a priority for YSMU.