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Open Science

Being a leading scientific-medical institution, YSMU recognizes the principles of open Science and proper management of research data both for scientific purposes and for services to society.

Open Science is the new policy of disseminating, deploying and transforming the outputs of research results by digital tools and online networks. It complements the standard practices of publishing research results in scientific publications. The policy of Open Science was developed and adopted in the form of Berlin Declaration in frames of Open Access conference organized by Max Planck Society in 2003. YSMU joined the movement of Open Science by signing the Berlin Declaration owing to the “Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” (MINERVA/ project (Ref. nr.: 597912-EPP-1-2018-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP), co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + programme, the key action 2 Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.

The partnership established in frames of MINERVA project enabled the University to build Open Science practices as well as develop and adopt relevant guides, regulation and policies & strategies to oversee and administer the processes.

MEDERIC – Is the open repository of YSMU in which the results of Government and agency-funded projects are archived according to the adopted procedure. The repository ensures visibility, transparency, competitiveness and impact of the institutional research at national and international levels. Research repositories improve  personal rating of the researchers, as well as institutional rating of the University in the global information environment

Regulation of YSMU repository

Open Access Policy

Open Science strategy

Antiplagiarism policy