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Hasmik Mashinyan

Date of birth: Place of birth

03.08.1941, Yerevan, Armenian


Work Experience

1966-1968 Doctor-resident of Yerevan Institute of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

1968-1969 Senior Laboratory assistant in Radiation Hygiene Problem Laboratory of Yerevan State Medical Institute

1973-1986 Junior Researcher of Department of General and Clinical Chemistry

1982 Improve pedagogical qualification, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry after Sechenov, c. Moscow

1986-2008 Assistant then Associated Professor of YSMU

2011-till now Associated Professor Department of Medical Chemistry of YSMU

Continuing Professional Development Courses

1975 Graduated with honours the highest state raising qualification, Ministers Committee of USSR

1982 Improve pedagogical qualification, Institute of Biophysical Chemistry after Sechenov, c. Moscow

2001 Teaching and improving the quality of scientific and pedagogical staff of YSMU

2015 Improving Professional skills of lecturers, YSMU

Thesis/title, Date

1981 Defended thesis “Impact of import of large quantum copper and molybdenum on the

Functional activity of the liver in white rats”, Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD)

Honours and Awards

2005 Awarded a “Gold medal” for many years of irreproachable scientific and pedagogical work.

2010 Certificate for impeccable work in the field of education and science in YSMU


Co-author of methodological guidelines on general and biophysical chemistry for students of higher education institutions(2017 Yerevan). Author of 37 published scientific research works

Language skills

Armenian, Russian

Marital status

no married