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Khachatur Margaryan


1996-2006 Secondary School No. 26 after A. Armenakyan, Yerevan (Stream of Natural Sciences)

2012 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Faculty of General Medicine. Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine.

2014 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Faculty of General Medicine. Medical Doctor Qualification.

2014-2017 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Clinical Residency in Ophthalmology.

2018-2019 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

Faculty of Public Health. Master of Business Administration (Healthcare Management) eMBA (YSMU)

Professional Development:


2010 School of Young Healthcare Leaders. 1st Level

2011 International Organizations Cooperation. France.

2011 Project Management. Copenhagen, Denmark.

2011 Healthcare Systems. Craiova, Romania.

2011-2012 Program Management Specialist

2012 Healthcare Financing. Thessaloniki, Greece.

2012 Marketing Fundamentals. Masaryko, Czech Republic.

2012 Project Support Senior Specialist

2013 Education as a Means of Corruption Prevention. USAID Anti-corruption Activity Mobilization Program. Armenia.

2013 Project Management. Poland.

2013 Public Health Management Issues. Baltimore, USA.

2013 Internationalization of Local Programs. New York, USA.

2013 Project Support. Washington DC, USA.

2014 Financial Flow Management in Healthcare. Taipei, Taiwan.

2014 Project Management and Financing. Jordan.

2016 Financial Flow Management. China.

2016 Project Support and Management. Malta.

Work Experience:

2012-2017 Assistant to the Vice-Rector for International Affairs and External Relations, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi.

2014-2015 “Kentron” TV Channel. Host, Medical Consultant.

2016 “21 TV” Channel. Producer, Program Director.

2016-2017 Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi. “Heratsi” Trade Union Organization (part-time).

2017-2024 Head of Career Center, YSMU.

2018-2023 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Students, YSMU.

2023-2024 Deputy Head of the Department of Foreign Students Education, YSMU.

2019-2021 Norwegian-Armenian Cooperation in Admission and Recognition (NACAR) University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).

2023-present Assistant of the Educational Group “Professional Competencies and Healthcare Management Skills,” YSMU.

2022-present Expert for UNESCO, WHO-funded programs

Awards and Recognition:

1996-2006 Certificates of Honor, Diplomas, and Letters of Appreciation for academic excellence, sports, and musical achievements.

2006 Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of RA for academic excellence.

2010 Letter of Appreciation from the Russian Federation Embassy in Armenia for promoting cultural cooperation between the two countries.

2012, 2014 Letters of Appreciation from the Mayor of Yerevan.

2013 YSMU Gold Memorial Medal for significant contribution to educational-methodological, scientific, healthcare, cultural, and public activities.

2017 Letter of Appreciation from the Chairman of the National Assembly of RA.


Armenian (native), Russian, English.