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Lusine Nazaryan

Date of birth

May 17, 1988, Artashat

Work experience

2012- to present Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) after Mkhitar Heratsi Department of Pharmaceutical Management Lecturer 

2011-2012 Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU) after Mkhitar Heratsi Department of Pharmaceutical Management Research Assistant

Scientific activity

”Organization and control of pharmaceutical activities”author in methodological manual

«ՀՀ դեղատների աշխատակիցների շրջանում մերչենդայզինգի և դրա կիրառման իմացության ուսումնասիրումը»  article

‘’Исследование знания мерчендайзинга среди работников аптек в Республике Армения ‘’ thesis

՛՛The analysis of the assortment of antiviral drugs in the pharmaceutical market of Armenia and identification of the leaders” thesis


Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Education and since association/ FHESA/- secretory

ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research)-member

Armenian Association of Young Doctors -member

Armenian association of evidence-based medicine ( EBM )-member

Personal data
