The MBA in Healthcare Management Program is implemented by the Faculty of Public Health of Yerevan State Medical University. Intensive 1-year master program provides participants:
- Strong foundation of business knowledge, skills and attitudes to support ethical, global business management of organizations;
- Sharing management experience with the directors and CEOs of leading medical and non-medical facilities in the Republic of Armenia;
- Comprehensive knowledge regarding international standards and models of management in medical and non-medical facilities;
- Skills and capabilities to identify, research, analyze and effectively address the complex issues of health sector facilities and other enterprises;
Duration of MBA Program is 1 academic year and it integrates essential business administration knowledge, skills, and methods in a professionally and personally relevant practice context. The Program provides 60 credits.
The Program consists of
core courses, specialized courses, business project development and field visits.
Core courses focused on
contemporary management principles and models, effective process management at different levels of the company, leadership, human resource management, marketing, financial management and systematic approach to effectively arrange organization performance. Expert training is an important part of the courses.
Specialized courses include
modules in management and administration of medical facilities, finance management, health law, health insurance, hospital accreditation, norms and standard requirements of contemporary medical facilities, etc.
Business project development module provides practical knowledge and skills on contemporary principles of business project and implementation, as well as expertise in competitive business project design and presentation skills.
During field visits participants visit medical and non-medical facilities and learn about functions, structure and management process of different enterprises, companies, meet CEOs and directors, etc.
Course evaluation is based on the multicomponent grading system:
- Individual analysis
- Research Presentation (Power Point Presentation)
- Group work
- Comparative analysis
Classes are conducted twice per week: Friday and Saturday, from 14:30 till 20:30 (some modules conducted on Thursdays).
Academic staff
Academic staff consists of highly qualified professors and lecturers from Armenia and abroad, who have significant experience in managing, teaching and applying appropriate knowledge in practice.
MBA in Healthcare Management Program Learning Outcomes:
- Managing processes. Students will master functional area concepts and theories in order to successfully integrate theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
- Facing complexity. Students will demonstrate strong ability to understand and solve complex business situations by applying analytical and entrepreneurial skills and creating innovative solutions.
- Develop and roll out business management and development strategies on a long-term perspective.
- Apply sound financial management techniques and analytical skills to authentic operations and strategic management issues of organizations.
- Work both individually and in groups to conduct business research and critically evaluate the findings to solve business related problems.
- Rising to leadership Students will be able to apply a comprehensive range of leadership skills and to deploy appropriate cooperative behavior with the ability of learning to learn and of increasing self-awareness.
- Integrating intercultural & societal context of business Students will show abilities to integrate cultural and ethical issues in their practice of global business.