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Department of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)



Head of Department: MD, PhD, DMS, professor Khachik M. Khachikyan


  • National Center of Dermatology,
  • “Helios” MC.


At the department are trained:

  • V year students of the Faculty of General Medicine (IX semester),
  • V year students of the Military Medicine Faculty (IX semester),
  • IV year students of the Faculty of Stomatology (VIII semester).

Training is conducted in the form of lectures and clinical practical classes (in classrooms, hospital wards, by photo quizzes, etc.).

Postgraduate education

The department provides:

  • main specialization in the speciality “dermatovenereology” (duration of clinical residency – 2 years),
  • additional specialization in the speciality “Medical Cosmetology” (training period – 6 months),
  • additional specialization in the speciality “Pediatric Dermatology (training period – 1 year).”

It is held in the form of lectures, seminars, clinical studies, treatment of inpatients and outpatients, participation in clinical conferences, familiarization with the relevant sections of the interprofessional interests of other specialties and written tests.

The duration of postgraduate education (postgraduate) is 3 years.

In-depth thematic training courses (duration 3 weeks) and certification courses (duration 7 weeks) are conducted on modern dermatological topics.

At the trainings, various didactic materials are used, each topic is complemented by a survey and oral and written analysis of photo quizzes.

Research projects

The key areas of scientific work of the department are:

– study of the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of certain chronic dermatoses,

– the study of the features of epidemiology, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of STIs,

– study of involutive morphofunctional changes in face skin.


Фамилия, имя, отчество Должность Ученая степень Ученое звание
Khachik M. Кhachikyan Head of Department PhD, ScD professor
Grigor A.Harutyunyan associate professor PhD associate prof.
Hakob G. Grigoryan associate professor PhD associate prof.
Hovhannes A. Hovhannisyan assistant professor
Shushanik V. Karapetyan assistant professor
Sahak A. Hakobyan assistant professor
Aram A. Shahverdyan research assistant
Ani A. Alexanyan research assistant
Anahit P. Topchyan research assistant