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Department of Phthisiology

Contact information



The Department was founded in 1967.

Head of the Department: M. D. Safaryan, Honoured Doctor of Armenia, Doctor of

Medical Sciences, professor.

Prof. R. M. Gyandzhetsyan began to teach Phthisiatry as a course in Yerevan Medical Institute in 1947, later, since 1950 it was taught at the Department of Facultative Therapy (associate professor T. M. Babayan and professor Ye. P. Stamboltsyan).

Department of Tuberculosis in Yerevan State Medical Institute was opened in 1967 by professor G. G. Karapetyan. Professor E. T. Karapetyan, headed the Department from 1972 till 1993.

Prof. M.D. Safaryan has been heading the Department of Phthisiology of Yerevan State Medical University since 1994.

Head of the Department prof. M.D. Safaryan is the member of 14.00.03 ‘’Inner Diseases” specialized council, editor at “Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases” medical scientific journal (Мoscow, Russian Federation).


Phthisiօlօgy is taught to 5th year students of general medicine (in Armenian, Russian and English) and military medicine (in Armenian, Russian) faculties in the form of a 2 week module (3.0 credits). Students’ knowledge is assessed by examination.

For the students of the Faculty of Stomatology Phthisiology is conducted as 5-day module (1.5. credits).  Students’ knowledge is assessed by test.

The Department of Phthisiology also teaches 4th year college students for 1-week module. Students’ knowledge is assessed by test.

During the lectures, trainings the students are taught theoretical bases of phthisiology, differential diagnostics of TB and other pulmonary diseases, TB complications, combinations of TB with various pathologies, etc. In the process of study students also gain practical skills and participate in making diagnosis and treatment of the patients at the hospital (CASES).

The Department Staff has published textbooks and more than 20 manuals in the Armenian, Russian and English languages.

In 2022 the publication of the new Armenian book ‘’Phthisiology’’ edited by prof. M. D. Safaryan, authors: docent A.P. Gevorgyan, L. G. Gevorgyan and T. K. Oleyan, and a new manual ‘’Phthisiology’’ in English, authors: docent G. R. Minasyan and L. G. Gevorgyan, were guaranteed by the decision of the Scientific Council of YSMU.

Postdiploma education is carried out in Clinical Residency (duration of study is 1 year).

There are also courses for nurses and doctors.

Scientific research is also carried out in the department.

The department worked on the following scientific topics:

  1. ‘’Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection in Armenia’’; 2006-2010,
  2. ‘’Multi-organ Tuberculosis in Armenia’’; 2011-2013
  3. ‘’Peculiarities of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the conditions of concomitant diseases’’; 2014-2017
  4. ‘’TB among patients with psychiatric disorders’’; 2018-2020.
  5. The topic approved by the scientific department of YSMU for 2021-2023 is:

“Peculiarities of diagnosis and treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis against the background of HIV infection’”;.

Under the scientific guidance of prof. M.D. Safaryan defended 6 Ph.D. dissertations.

The department cooperates with the department of phthisiology of the Kursk State Medical University of the Russian Federation, with the Moscow Institute of Tuberculosis.

The staff of the department actively participates in international online conferences and receive appropriate credits.


Marina D. Safaryan Head of the department Doctor of Medicine Professor
Aghavni P. Gevorgyan Associate Professor Degree of Doctor of Medicine(PHD) Associate Professor
Olga L.Sotskaya Associate Professor Degree of Doctor of Medicine(PHD) Associate Professor
Lilit G. Gevorgyan Lecturer
Tatevik K. Oleyan Lecturer
Lilit A. Zurabyan Lecturer

The department of Phthisiology is located on the territory of the “National center of pulmonology” SNCO.

Address: 10 Arzni highway, Abovyan, 8510, National center of pulmonology, Phthisiology department, Republic of Armenia

Tel./Fax: +37455646713

E-mail: tbdepart@mail.ru