On May 19, 1994, according to the Decree No. 232 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, the Faculty of Military Medicine was established at YSMU, which included the Department of Medical Service Organization and Emergency Medicine, where the subject “Medicine of Emergency Situations” is taught, later it was reorganized into the cycle “Medicine of Emergency Situations”, and subsequently the Department of Emergency Medicine was created.
According to the order of the Rector of YSMU No. 394-A dated May 10, 2021, the Department of Emergency Medicine was renamed the Department of DISASTER MEDICINE AND CIVIL DEFENSE. Disaster medicine and civil defense is the most important area of scientific, practical, educational and organizational activities, the functions of which include preserving the life and health of the population or its individual groups, providing medical care and rehabilitation measures to the victims and solving the problems of integrating them into society during natural disasters of various origins. The most important issue is to minimize the number of losses.
The subject “Disaster Medicine and Civil Defense” is taught in the main study groups of all faculties of YSMU in the form of cyclic classes – lasting 5 days, 1/3 of which are lectures, and 2/3 of which – practical skills training in the simulation center of YSMU. Students also work independently. Cyclic classes end with test tests. Education in college is carried out according to the same principle. In order to modernize the educational process at the department, training modules “Medicine of Disasters” were created for all faculties of the university.
From 2020-21, the subject “Civil Defense” is taught at the faculties of general medicine, dentistry and pharmacology of YSMU, according to the school curriculum. According to 30- and 120-hour programs, the subject “Medicine of Disasters” is also taught to senior and secondary medical staff. In the Chair, educational, methodological and scientific work is carried out in accordance with: the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Education”, approved by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on September 14, 1999, the Charter, approved by order No. 290 of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia dated June 24, 1997, Orders of the heads of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia, the General Military Staff and the Military Medical Department, the Charter of the Faculty of Military Medicine and the orders of the Rector of YSMU.