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Military medical faculty

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010 301-000: 361

The Military Medical Faculty (MMF) within the Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi (YSMU) was established in 1994 under decision No. 232, dated May 19 by the Government of the Republic of Armenia (RA). It was formed by merging the existing department of organization and tactics of the medical service (OTMS) and extreme medicine.

Key figures who played pivotal roles in the creation of the faculty were S.A. Sargsyan, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, A.S. Babloyan, the Minister of Health, and V. Gnuni, the Minister of Higher Education.

Additionally, the Head of the military medical department within the RA Ministry of Defense, colonel B.N. Harutyunyan, and YSMU’s Rector, Academician V.P. Hakobyan, made significant contributions to the development of the Military Medical Faculty.

The Military Medical Faculty at YSMU has been led by various distinguished individuals throughout its history. From 1994 to 1997, it was headed by Colonel of Medical Service (m/s) S.S. Yegikyan, followed by Major of Medical Service, DSc. M.A. Tumanyan (1997-1998), Colonel of Medical Service, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.V. Kazaryan (1998-2004), Lieutenant Colonel of Medical Service, MD, Associate Professor D.S. Mkhitaryan (2004-2008), and Colonel of Medical Service, DSc., Professor S.G. Galstyan (2011-2018).

Currently, since 2018, the Faculty of Military Medicine is under the leadership of Colonel of Medical Service, DSc., Associate Professor V.V. Tsaturyan.

The initial faculty members who served as lecturers were Colonel of Medical Service T.A. Ter-Avetikyan, Colonel of Medical Service M.G. Margaryan, Colonel of Medical Service S.G. Galstyan, Colonel of Medical Service A.A. Avagyan, Lieutenant Colonel L.P. Artishchev, Lieutenant Colonel G.M. Sarkisova, Lieutenant Colonel F.S. Muradyan, Captain K.V. Khachunts, Senior Lieutenant R.Kh. Megrabyan, Associate Professors E.A. Akopyan and G.G. Vardanyan. Together, they organized the training and educational activities.

In the early years (1994-1995), the faculty admitted students from the 5th year of medical, pediatric, and sanitary faculties of YSMU, and later in 1996, it began accepting students from the first year.

Over the years, approximately 600 graduates have completed their studies at the Military Medical Faculty, with 30 of them achieving honors. Many of these graduates now work as lecturers at the Military Medical faculty, heads of medical services and medical points in military units, medical specialists in Central Clinical Military and Garrison hospitals, the Military Medical department of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia. Furthermore, the Ministry of Defense of RA mandates military-medical education for students from other faculties at YSMU, along with YSMU interns and clinical residents.

Since 2019, cadets from the Republic of Kazakhstan have been participating in the faculty’s basic medical education program through an agreement with the CSTO. Additionally, each year, the two best first-year cadets of the faculty continue their education at the Military Medical Faculty of the Military Academy of Thessaloniki, Greece.

During their training, cadets at the MMF also engage in practical experience at the Central Clinical Military Hospital and Yerevan Garrison Hospitals, both under the Ministry of Defense of RA. Additionally, they undergo military training in border military units of the RA Armed Forces, take part in various training camps, military exercises, and training programs organized by the Military Medical Department of the RA Armed Forces, as well as structures affiliated with NATO and CSTO.

The faculty’s teaching staff regularly participates in advanced training courses, which include sessions at the NATO Center of Excellence for military medicine and the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. Currently, the faculty employs 1 professor, 2 doctors of medical sciences, 3 associate professors, and 5 candidates of medical sciences. In addition, 2 lecturers are actively working on candidate dissertations.

Both officers and teaching staff at the MMF, along with the cadets, actively engage in the social life of YSMU (Yerevan State Medical University) and also visit local cultural establishments. Notably, the faculty has established an auditorium dedicated to honoring fallen military doctors. As part of their military-patriotic events, cadets also pay visits to the <<Erablur>> and <<Mother Armenia>> memorials.

The military medical faculty previously consisted of various departments focused on different aspects of medical service and military training. These included departments for the Organization and Tactics of Medical Service, Military Field Surgery, Field Therapy, Combined Arms Training, Military Hygiene, Military Epidemiology, Military Toxicology, Radiology, Medical Protection, and Emergency Medicine.

Currently, the faculty has undergone some changes and reorganization. The departments now include Organization and Tactics of the Medical Service (OTMS), Disaster Medicine and Civil Protection, Military Field Surgery, Military Field Therapy, Combined Arms Training, and a group dedicated to military-medical expertise.

The departments of Organization and Tactics of the Medical Service, Disaster Medicine, and Civil Defense, along with the cycle of Combined Arms Training, are situated in the administrative building of Yerevan State Medical University (YSMU). The departments of Military Field Surgery and Military Field Therapy are located at the Central Clinical Military hospital of the Ministry of Defense.